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Everything posted by Diana
  1. Thank you Pennie! How right you are! Thanks for teh advice - I'll let you know how it comes about!
  2. Love this site, Pennie! Thanks!
  3. Hi j-l01971 (do you have a simpler name? hehehe) where in Wisconsin? I used to live in Sheboygan and Sheb Falls
  4. Hi - we're in TExas. from what I understand, it is highly dangerous, though I don't know if it can explode or what. Does anyone else know?
  5. Krista's Mom Boy I hear you loud and clear!!! This is what we all go through. SET BOUNDARIES!!! It's hard, but people will know when they've crossed the boundary only if you set them. Be scarce with fundraising - you don't want to raise too much, or Administration will come to expect it. I was told that when advertising for fundraisers, we had to publicize exactly what it is for and it had to be for REsident Council - which is non-profit. Since our corporation is for profit, we could get in loads of trouble for raising money and using it for our own free will, which is actually for the residents, but you have to prove it. That's where REsident Council comes in. It has to be logged in resdient council minutes, and any transaction that is made with Resident Council money has to be approved by them, and documented. If the sale is being raised, lets say for Bingo money, then that is what it has to be used for. If it is used for something else, it has to be approved by Res Council and documented in the minutes. I don't know about any other facilities, but this is what we've been doing for teh past year. We all know what it is like to pay for things with our own money, and do work at home - we feel your frustration!!! I finally started scheduling it in my monthly calendar so that I had time to do it at work and not take away from my family. Remember to set boundaries - we all love our job, but we want to continue to love it and not be frustrated with it!
  6. ActPro - you're from Ballinger? OH! I used to live in Abilene - I know the area pretty well. WE moved to San Antonio 4 years ago - love it here - still trying to figure everything out though Which corp are you owned by? I am trying to think I have a sister facility in Ballinger.
  7. This year, after the group interview with the residents, there was no focus on activities at all. They didn't even witness any of my 1:1's. We even had our new Resident Council President voted in, but no one witnessed that either. They watched Restorative do their Large Group Exercise (which is always a winner), but otherwise, I just made myself available and they saw me on the floor all the time. Kinda nice, but then I am never sure what they are actually watching! They did notice that maintence had one of my heilium tanks ioutside with the oxygen tanks (immediate tag), and then administration called me in to the DON's office to find out why I put it there! I didn't even know we had a second one , besides the one I have locked up in storage for birthday's, etc. Fortunetly, it fell on maintence, but he tried blaming me, until I pointed out that he's the one that calls them to pick it up and I have no access to the oxygen cage outside. Plus, when the last switch was made, I was 7 months pregnant, and in no condition to be pushing around a helium tank. But of course, I was the one that had to call LifeGas to come pick it up - oh well, gotta do what we gotta do.
  8. Definetly Men's Activities. Since the population is so small, and men have a "particular way about them" I need guidance with approach and followthrough.
  9. Welcome to the site! Sorry, I have only found what corporate approves of, and that's handwritten. Definetly not ideal! I haven't heard of anything computerized. It sure would be nice to have something on the computer! HOpe you find what you are looking for!
  10. Hi guys! I had to share with everyone - we just finished our full book survey and for the 4th year in a row I am deficiency free! Praise God!!!! As a whole, the facility only got 3 deficiencies! Not bad - though deficiency free would have benn great!! I must admist, stress levels were high, but the surveyors were great and our team was actually a team during survey - instead of everyone complaining. What a change! Sad news though, I didn't find out about a long time resident's death in the hospital until today (with all the confusion of survey, I missed this key information). He was a difficult resident (younger and hard headed) and I am going to miss him. Have a great weekend everyone!
  11. Welcome to the site! Glad you found us!
  12. Diana

    Nap Week

  13. Hi, not sure about online, but I got a brochure in the mail a couple weeks back at our facility and there are CEU's that you can obtain over the phone. I go into work on Tuesday, I'll try to remember to get the info for you. If by Thursday you don't hear from me, email at djcast@activitydirector.com
  14. Welcome! We look forward to exchanging ideas - this really is the best site for AD's!!!!
  15. Linda, this month I put together the newsletter with tidbits of my own on the back and it turned out great!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
  16. Hi Chele- Welcome to our site!! Hope we can be helpful to you! Going from being Assistant to being AD can always be a challenge. Even when you just take on a new job with new residents at a new facility, you have the challenge of residents who are used to another director's way of conducting activities. Don't be discouraged - they'll come around. I know you are concerned about residents not "socializing with one anther." That actually seems ideal of residents in a nursing facility. Especially when you have 25 to 30 people in a group, it is going to be intimidating for a resident with dementia of any sort to feel comfortable socializing, talking or responding in a group that large. Start a few off in a smaller group that you think might socialize and then gradually make the group bigger and see how they respond. Linda mentioned a great idea of asking them personal questions to help them feel comfortable sharing, such as who they are, where they're from. Good luck! You'll get it. Don't change things too quickly - ease into it. It helps the residents who are used to the other director's way of activities, to trust you and feel comfortable around you!
  17. Welcome TMH3 - I live in San Antonio - can't help you with where you can go for classes, but you can get your certificate online, and intern somewhere if you aren't already employed. Good luck!
  18. Hi Crysty, yes, major problem. My only solution - get pregnant! Yes, you heard me right! I have worked at my facility for almost 4 years, and the biggest response I have ever had getting residents to the dining room is when I was pregnant. I didn't have to lift a finger. The staff overwhelmingly helped me out at every angle! But once I had the baby and came back from maternity leave, it was back to normal! I still bring the majority of my residents to activities, now, 7 months later. When it comes to socials and parties, I tell staff they cannot get any food unless I see that they have brought a resident to the dining room for the party. They respond VERY well to that. At first, they thought I was kidding, but when they found out I was serious, they started bringing in 2 to 3 residents themselves (I'd let them have a little extra food). Even housekeeping assists residents to the dining room when I do this. Rewards really do work. Get "buddy buddy" with key staff members - it might work!
  19. Hi Activity Girl, Welcome to our site! Hope you'll stick around. You are right, the last thing any AD wants to do right away is change Bingo rules!!!! Especially not within the first 2 to 3 months of working at a new facility! Bingo is so serious! WE almost had our Resident Council President "fired" over a Bingo game incident. She is now being replaced in January! It was at that time that after three and a half years we put together new rules to Bingo that are now posted in English and Spanish for all to see, and individual copies made out for anyone to read on their own. Give yourself some time to win over a few key residents who will put in a good word for you with the other residents. There will be some that you simply WON'T win over. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are there to serve, not necessarily be everyone's friend!
  20. Hi Jeremy! Welcome! This site has helped me tremendously - even through times where I thought I wanted to leave the business. There is ALWAYS someone whose been there done that. Hope we can help!
  21. I think with 2 Resdient Councils, that you would be reaching residents on their level - which is one of the primary goals of an Activity Director. I haven't heard of this being done, but you found a need and are trying to accomodate. I think it is a bright idea! Keep us posted on how that turns out - and how the residents respond.
  22. HI Cheryl, ST Phillips is the only one that I know of that offers the course and CEU's. Of course, you can do it online, and check with this system's administrator, Pennie. She can help you out with how to do that. I work for a LTC and SNF facility here in San Antonio so I don't know much about the Adult Day Care's here, sorry about that. I know that Adult Day Care's have a less strenuous (did I spell that right) program. If you want to specialize in that, then definetly find an Adult Day Care to take your internship at. If not, I'd love to have you at my facility - I can always use the help! Or you can just contact me for any key functions in S.A. - I might be able to help. Good luck! My email is djcast@camalott.com
  23. has anyone had a State survey the week of Christmas? just curious at the possibilities of them doing a full book during the week of Christmas.
  24. HI Rebecca - unfortunately I have not worked through an outbreak before - sadly I don't have any ideas for you. I'll keep you in mind and ask around! Good luck!
  25. Pennie, thanks for the input! We had JAHCO last year and are expecting them in 2005 I think. This info will come in handy! Thanks!
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