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Salary Range For Activity Directors

What is your Hourly Wage?  

350 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your Hourly Wage?

    • 7-9 dollars an hour
    • 10-12 dollars an hour
    • 13-15 dollars an hour
    • 17-19 dollars an hour
    • 20-22 dollars an hour
    • 22-24 dollars an hour
    • 25-27 dollars an hour
    • 27 or more

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Don't give up... If you truly enjoy this work and it is your passion then you owe it to yourself to find a facility that values your profession. It has been my experience that all too often we accept positions without negotiating for our true worth. I have been with my current employer for 3 years; when I left my past AD position I was in a situation similiar to yours and I promised myself that in the future I would be doing the interviewing of potential employers versus considering myself the one who was being interviewed. Be picky in who you work for and demand respect for what you do and fair compensation. Believe it or not there are Assisted Living Centers and SNFs that DO value activity professionals and DO believe in person centered care... the unfortunate truth is you have to do some hunting to find them. Good luck!

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WOW, almost all of you have degrees in something. I'm hopeing to go to college for TR one day. I work in New York City as a Activity Assistant (hopefully one day will become a director) and i make $17.63 an hour, i guess not bad for someone with a GED

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Guest Tinki

Go for the Degree in TR-I loved getting mine or look for an Associate in that field


Don't forget all the cost of living in each state will truly affect what you are making. On the East Coast they make more but the cost of living is so much higher then in say, Texas.


Karen :-D

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Guest Guest_kimmyh

Geeeeeeez I need to move up North, ya'll do well up there! Just to give ya a clue I am certified, I work at a facility with 80 residents including psyche and alzheimers. I am the only one in my department (no activity assistants!) and I have to give out those darn cigarettes every 2 hours. Oh and to top it all off......I have an associates degree in Marketing so my administrator has me doing Marketing twice a month and powerpoint presentations all of the time. Any words of encouragement?

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:-) Hi, I live in west texas, and I am the only ADC for a nursing home, 120 bed facility. I do it alone. No assistant. I only make 10.30 an hour. I have asked for a raise. They say when our census comes up. I have been here in this facility for 8 years. On my annual evaluation, I just get a 3 percent raise. I think I should get more, but when owned by a corportation, that usually does not happen. I love what I do. And I am very dependable. I love all my resident's. So I just keep going, maybe one of these days, I will be appreciated a little more. Until then. I will be satisfied. God Bless you. actpro

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Guest Tinki

Dear Actpro,


I live in Houston and I believe you are severly underpaid. I know AD's that are making between $15-18 an hour in Nursing facilities. Not to mention, that you have been with that facility for over eight years. I am surprised you are still with that company. What was your starting pay? That really bothers me to think that a nursing home is only paying one AD $10.30 an hour! I am sorry you deserve better!!!!!


Karen :-o

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I am a new AD in Pennsylvania. I started at $16 an hour but was told that that was the most I could make to start. I am not certified but I do have a B.S. in counseling. I have no prior experience. I am in a 138 bed facility and I have 1.5 assistants. I am looking into getting certified. My benefits stink but I don't really have to worry about that too much right now, cause its just me. Do I have any fellow pennsylvanian's out there that can give some input? Or anyone...From reading you others I feel blessed. It's also really encouraging to hear people talk about AD as a real profession. Sometimes I feel like people think my position is inferior just because its FUN!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've only been an Activity Director for 2 years now and am still trying to learn alot.

My pay isn't all that great but I am in a very small town. It is a fun job and I absolutely love my job. I am constantly trying to get new idea's from other Activity Directors. :-D

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Guest Guest_shannon

Hi. I am an AD in a 59 bed facility in eastern South Dakota, and make $12/hour. I have 4 years experience as an activities assistant (I only made $8/hour doing that), and have a BA in music and social work. I am also certified by the state as a "Qualified Activity Coordinator".


It seems like our facility is becoming a psych ward instead of a nursing home. Lots of brain injuries and schizophrenia. Are you all seeing a similar trend???

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HI, I've been reading your replys to the AD pay issue. I've been in the business 5-6 yrs as an assistant, certified with NCCAP at one time, and never made anymore than $8/hr. I recently graduated from college with an Associate's Degree in Graphic Design. I start my first AD position today in an Assisted Living Facility in MD. I will also be the Internal Marketing Director (an assistant to the Marketing Director). I was hired more for my artistic ability and creativity more than anything else. My wages start at $12/hr with decent benefits. Considering where I'm coming from, it's not a bad starting wage. I will be returning to school for a Bachelor's in Art Education and a Masters in Recreational Therapy. There is to be tuition assistance, so I'm anxious to see how much! I am happy with what I'm starting with, but will not be satisfied until I've done it all and reached a nationally comparable wage. No matter what it is, we just don't get paid enough for the work we do!!! I would like to think that we in the Activity Professional field have no where to go but up. It's quite clear that wages are usually based on the area in which you live...it should be across the board. Dana

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I feel very blessed to work where I do! I work for a non-profit retirement community in Wisconsin - we have about 300 residents in snf, AL, RCAC and condos/cottages/apts. I am responsible for a unit of 44 residents about half are in the later stages of dementia and the rest have general medical diagnoses. There are 3 other activity directors responsible for units of 28, 36 and the independent population. In order to be an activity director you must be a COTA. I have an activity assistant for my unit. The other activity directors each have an activity assistant also. We have good benefits (though staff does complain about them!). I am currently making $16 per hour and am eligible for overtime compensation - this is a good wage for Wisconsin. The facility pays for continuing ed, but I have to pay for my own certification (state and national) renewals. >Vanessa

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I would agree with Vanessa-the difference in wages between nonprofit and for profit is amazing. I work for a Retirement Community in eastern Wisconsin- condos/apt./2 AL buildings, an Alzheimers unit and a SNF. THe wages, benefits, staffing levels and the overall culture is so much better than any job I've had in the for profit sector; prior to working here I was the AD for a 117 bed SNF owned by one of the nation's largest long term care companies. I have also found that nonprofit organizations seem to value the activity staff more and are more focused on person centered care. Congratulations Vanessa!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Corinne



Hi everyone my name is Corinne and I desire to return into a

career, in the midwest, as an Activity Director. My certification was from

Oakland, California. I have a great attitude,very enthused, and upbeat.

My creativity is extrordinary and I relate well with all the elderly residents

as well as their families!! My last job in a nuring home was corporate in

Eagan,Minnesota, that was 1999,because they went bankrupt. If any of

you can email me at choyt_santoso@hotmail.com I could forward my resume.


God Bless,Corinne:)

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:-D Hey ya'll. I would like to take a moment to say that to me, its not really how much I make that makes my job worthwhile. Its my residents. Everyday I have a chance to come to work and give someone a smile and a hug that they otherwise might not have gotten. I get a chance to give meaning to someones life. More than just showers, sleeping, pills, and eating. I get a chance to let them do things they have always wanted to try, but never got the chance. I get to help them make memories that will also last me a lifetime. When one of them give me a hug and tells me they love me. That is worth so much more than my paycheck. Sure we might be underpaid by our companies ya'll, but I like to think that the hugs and laughter that I get and give everyday is the greatest pay I will ever get. That is why I get up and come to work everyday.

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Guest lorenzo

Well, I've been working as an AD for 1 year and 2 months now. In addition to my vacations, my pay has stayed the same(due to union contract conflicts) The union contract has finally been ratified, and department head raises are now effective on my next check. (aug. 20th) I get a 3% raise, which basically raises me to 10.30 an hour!

While more money wouldn't hurt, the budget I have is still small. I'd gladly give up my raise to increase my budget so I could provide more elaborate activities. As it is, I try hard to budget but this is not always possible. So, I end up occasionally dipping into my own pocket for a few extra supplies/prizes. Even planning on donating my free DVD player from Directv for a secret resident program.

The money is not the reason I do what I do. It's my residents. They mean the world to me and effect my own life as if they are all related to me. I work with mentally ill adults, so to deal with them all day and realize that I could be the same way is a very trying thing to me.

Just my own way of saying that if my cost of living went up, I'd probably sacrifice it to keep my current job. However, I even ended up delaying nursing school due to issues beyond my control and am looking with dread to the day next year that I have to say goodbye as classes will not work with the job.

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In the San Francisco BAy Area Assistants can make from 10.00 on up to 15.00 and AD can make anywhere from 22.00 on up. How the love the Bay Area. I'm reading what everyone's getting paid and you are under paid. In the Sacramento area I hear some get paid $8.00 or more an hour. I all depends on where you live and the cost of loving in your area. The bay area is expensive to live but SAcramento area is cheaper to live.

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Guest Guest_Sandy

To phxville,

I am an AD in Scarnton, PA at an 80 resident ALF. I am the entire dept. and am not certified. I worked for 3 years as a Nursing attendant in this facility and have been AD for almost 4 yrs. now. I am currently making $9.79 an hour. I have been here for 7 1/2 years and with annual raises most years, this is still all I am earning. I think they have added more to my job description and duty list than they have to my pay. I am also in charge of 2 avns and their upkeep and I drive as needed and co-ordinate all transportation for our residents to go to MD. and therapy appointments.

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Wow Sandy, It sounds to me like you are getting taken advantage of a little bit. I think the Scranton area has a little lower cost of living then my area (I only know this because I just graduated from BBC located in Clarks Summit), but you should still be better compensated. My assistant makes more than you do. I think you should talk to someone about that! If they can't work with you then maybe you need to look elsewhere. I don't want you to get me wrong, I think being greedy is detrimental, but being resourceful and confident is different. Kepp up the good work, they have to see your value after all these years and I am sure that they want to keep you around!!!


Janice in Phoenixville, PA


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Yes, Sandy -- definitely being taken advantage of!! I know the feeling though -- I was hired at my previous job to be Activities Director and wasn't told about the Social Worker position I was also filling! I was doing more social work then activities and both the residents and I were suffering! I was the one to goi out and buy ciggarettes, food & clothes for these people without any mileage compensation or anything! I finally stopped doing it on my own time and used company time -- they didn't like that!! Also, I was deailing with extreme psychiatric patients that had basically just used the nursing home as a flop house -- there was no state-run place for them to go, so we got all the bad seeds. Our residents were in danger and so was I. I got attacked several times and nothing was done to protect me or any other residents. I really think it's time to stop putting our residents in danger from these mentally unstable patients!! Anyone else agree??

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Guest Guest_Sandy

To Janice in Phoenixville,

I am surprised to hear that you attended BBC, since I have worked with a few of their students right here at my facility (Allied Terrace) when I was in the Nursing Dept.. Our secretary here graduated from BBC a few years ago also.

I guess I have always known that I have been greatly under paid, but without any certification or college credits, I'm afraid I might not be able to get any better of a job somewhere else.

How many others of you out there are without certification in your field? I understand that Personal Care is much less strict about requiring certification and colege credits. I do know that my experience must count for something!

Sandy in Scranton

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Guest karen bliss-Reid

I have been a director for 5 years I now make salary at $11 an hour. Upstate new york

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