As far as Activities, the looked at Care Plans and Progress Notes. They spent A LOT of time in our groups. A lot, just sitting there and watching. They did not question my CTRS status, nor did they look at my file or my Assistants files. They did look to make sure that the care plans were being followed through as far as approaches. Nursing had an approach that the a resident will be at the nurses station when alone, well, needless to say, she wasn't so that was a citation. I can't stress enough to only use approaches that will be followed through and not because they "sound good". Documentaiton was heavily looked into with all departments. I was asked to read several care plans and progress notes. I'm assuming whatever they were looking for was there, becuase they didn't comment on it. They were very into meal time tray passing. They got us for not opening up milk, however, I do not agree that one at all. They noticed on our dementia floor that milk wasn't opened and stated that we never asked the residents because the surveyor went up to the resident, and when she asked, the resident wanted it opened.....We all know that we can ask someone and they can change their mind, they didn't care. In fact, our sister facility got done with their survey yesterday (no feds), and the got cited for the same type of incident, in which they didn't open up their silverware. Resident dignity was a big issue with them, from finger nails, to knocking on doors. Fire preparedness - make sure your forgein language employees understand this really well, our laundry did know/understand. They asked a lot of our staff members about abuse and neglect, gave them situations, what would they do. We also had to do handwashing demonstrations for them as well
The good news is that we are now down to 11 tags, but they still have not exited. Our admin, was talking with them telling them we want closure. They said they hope to be back next week...grrrr.
I hope this helps, it covers many departments, not just activities, but like I said, they did have any issues with us.
Oh, by the way.....there was plenty of drinking!!!!