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Weekend Activities


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Our department runs programs every day of the week and two evenings a week. We work either Sunday - Thursday, or Tuesday - Saturday. Our facility scores in the to 90th percentile for resident satisfaction largely due to our consistent offerings of TR programs

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I have a cute exercise video that works. If you hve alot of family visiting, use that for a theme.


Maybe use football for mens group this time of year.

Hot chocolate social

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I swap working weekends with my assistant. We try to use this time for our shopping trips since there are not usually any doctors' appointments and the van is freed up to use. Of course, if you are not there to take residents out, then it's time to incorporate some volunteer workers to come help out. They can have a mini-Bingo game, put on a movie or music, pop popcorn, hold a small group discussion, lead an exercise group, etc. The resident volunteers could take a leadership challenge and do some of these things as well. They just need you to organize whatever activity they will be in charge of and some general instructions.

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  • 2 months later...
Was wonderiing what activities that everyone schedules for the weekend when you all are off. I was looking for ideas. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



I am only here M-F so on the weekends I try to schedule entertainers or I make activity packets for the residents. The activity packets consist of puzzles, word searches, poems, stories...etc. I also got a large bookcase moved into a tv room and began filling it with different activities. When I'm not available on the weekends they have a "resource center" that they can utilize to stay occupied.

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I am actually the only activity person in our 60 bed community. On weekends, the restoritive cna usually will set up for movies, church services or other activity programs. We are starting our journey in culture change and the cna's are taking residents out to our garden and reading or discussions on world affairs (depending on the residents cognition). This journey is a bit slow but looks good for the future.



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Was wonderiing what activities that everyone schedules for the weekend when you all are off. I was looking for ideas. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




Hello, Try Movies and popcorn, card games residents can do with out you.Art classes, story telling, week end movie reviews. church services on Sundays, Lunch dates with families,

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We are very forutunate and have three acitivity team members who work the weekends. On Saturdays, we have a music program in the morning, word games or a sing along and then bingo in the afternoon. Sundays are filled with Sunday school, church services, gospel sing alongs and the favorite ice cream social. We tried doing other things on Sunday but we live in a small rural town and our residents are very traditional...Sundays are for church, resting and visiting. One way to figure out what to plan for the weekends is to ask the resident what they want...it is, after all, their home. I also think that there should be a team member on staff for the weekends unless you have dependable staff from other departments that will ensure all activities are held as scheduled....you never know when that state surveyor may choose to show up on the weekend. :rolleyes:

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We are having good success with higher function activities during the weekend for some reason. My residents are really taking to current events, name that tune, Jeopary, etc. ANd now that the weather is getting better we go outside a ton! We are gardening and weeding our courtyard. We have also started the "Hen Party" for our ladies, I excuse myself ( I am a male) and have one of our female staff begin a conversation with all of our ladies. I will usually take our guys out back and chip golf balls or play "holi board".



Hope this helps.




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  • 1 year later...
We are having good success with higher function activities during the weekend for some reason. My residents are really taking to current events, name that tune, Jeopary, etc. ANd now that the weather is getting better we go outside a ton! We are gardening and weeding our courtyard. We have also started the "Hen Party" for our ladies, I excuse myself ( I am a male) and have one of our female staff begin a conversation with all of our ladies. I will usually take our guys out back and chip golf balls or play "holi board".



Hope this helps.





What is a HEN Party?

Also please explain Holi Board


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At our facility, we only have one activity assistant that works from 1-5 on saturday and sundays. Our weekend activities include; beauty cart, crafts, snack shack, bingo and different church services. We try to keep it easy because there is only one of us, unless it's a holiday, two of us will work the weekend. In that 1-5 time, there is usually two activities and if we have extra time during the day we will do computer work or 1:1's. Hope that helps!

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Was wonderiing what activities that everyone schedules for the weekend when you all are off. I was looking for ideas. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Our weekend activities usually consist of polish and file finger nails, movies, 1 to 1 room visits, bingo, reminiscing in a group, taking residents outside on the porches or doing walks. On weekends we usually have small group activities, because of staffing.

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At our facility the weekend acitvities are as follows, Movies, Bingo, 1 to 1 room visits, walks outside, Reminiscing in a small group. We do small groups on the weekends, because of staffing

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It's best to have someone in for at least part of the day to do activities on the weekend. That said, if you cannot have anyone there, look for volunteers. This could be from the community, family members and even within nursing or housekeeping. I've had success with churches on the weekends doing bible studies and even some who had pianists who lead hymns, but even if they visited individually with people it would be great. Have a designated person, like an aide, to answer any questions when they are there. This is very important for any volunteer. Pet visits are great on the weekend, and many volunteers with certified therapy dogs are only available on the weekend. Work with your DON to see if an aide could lead a 30 minute activity once (or more) a day on the weekend. They could lead trivia or a word game or read poetry. I've had aides who lead wonderful sing-alongs because they were so talented. They can also help just hand out word games. I've had family members come in and lead a simple card game or dominos. Because it was a small group and something they and their loved one enjoyed, they didn't feel intimidated. Look at every visitor as a potential volunteer. I've even had a few residents who were capable of leading bingo and loved it. A few "live" activites (by this I mean something other than a video) will really help break up the day for your residents. Be sure to follow up with volunteers on Monday or Tuesday to see how their experience was to ensure a happy, returning volunteer.

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