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Afternoon Readings


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I want to start reading to my residents every other afternoon. Does anyone have any ideas on books i should get? I only want to read for 30-45min so the stories/chapters need to be short.



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Pete Seeger's Storytelling Book is my favorite - very creative, vivid stories. First told verbally and then put into this book form. He even tells the reader where the stories come from and beginnings to stories for the reader to finish.


Other greats are almost any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books or books of fables.


Have fun!

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Guideposts, "The Rest of the Story " by Paul Harvey; "5 Minute Whodunits"; Chicken Soups", Reminisce Magazines and their books they publish every so often; the book, Over What Hill? is really cute-written by a lady who lives in a retirement home, 80 years or so old. My biggest problem, is that, we don't have a quiet roomto read, and if we set up movable walls for a 30 minute activity, and push them all into that area, most fall asleep anyway by the time you read 5 minutes! But, that being said, I do think it is a good activity for my small group, with a few others who come along. But the higher functioning people tend to come in, check it out, and talk a lot, ruining a good thing for a different group of people. They must think we might be playing bingo without them! :roll:

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How about the Harry Potter series? Where I volunteer (still no paid work sigh!), I read a chapter of HP and Philosphers Stone (Sorcers stone) and now there are a couple of residents who are hooked.

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Guest Guest_Laurie

:hammer: Try Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul it works grest for me for short stories about a half hour to forty five min. Good Luck

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Good Old Days Magazine is great for a reading group. The stories are short, relate to the present month and after reading a story you can reminisce with the residents for a few minutes before moving on to another story. Helps keep most of them from falling asleep! I like this magazine better than the Reminisce magazine because there are more stories and less pictures.

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Hi, Melanie Lynn! :-)


I agree with my colleagues. Also, you might simply take time to read from your local newspaper. The residents are interested in everything including the obituaries, police arrests etc.


Wishing you the best, ;-)


Linda Lucas, AD

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