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Everything posted by Sonyasul
  1. Watch U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams make a face covering in a few easy steps. A great project for residents!
  2. That sounds like a fun activity spankylee99! I love that the surrounding neighborhood is a part of it too! I hope that you will be able to do it this year. We had a Mardi Gras Pet Parade down the halls of the assisted living community where I volunteer. An animal rescue group conducted the parade. The dogs were dressed in cute Mardi Gras outfits. The residents wore colorful beads, feather boas and Mardi Gras masques. After the dogs strutted their stuff, the residents had a little party and ate King Cake. This happened about two weeks before the facility had to stop allowing visitors in due to the coronavirus.
  3. Hi there! I'll meet you in the Chatbox Nicholed. Sonya
  4. Hi Nicoled, I live in Texas, which is in the Central time zone. I don't know which time zone Spankylee99 lives in, but I can meet with both of you either way. Thank you! Thank you! See you in the Chatbox Monday @6:30pm EST Sonya 😁
  5. That sounds great spankylee99! Thank you! I'll meet you in the Chatbox at 6:30pm tomorrow! I'm a volunteer at an assisted living community. I work in another field right now. I'm not sure when I'll be able to go back to my assisted living community. I can't wait until I'm able to become an Activity Director, and I appreciate you being a part of my journey. Sonya
  6. When I saw this, I started thinking about possible ways the residents could make them. Ever since I started this course my mind seems to see things in terms of activities for seniors. (I work in another field right now.) Last night I happened to be up late watching TV, and I saw one of those "as seen on TV, only $19.99" commercials. It was for a product called, No Stitch. It comes with a heat wand and a bottle of adhesive powder. They sell it at Wal-Mart. What are your thoughts on that?
  7. Would anyone be interested in setting up a time to chat about planned special events? Sonya 🙂
  8. Enriching the lives of those we serve with compassion, respect, excellence and integrity. Every day is an opportunity for Brookdale associates to deeply connect with people in a profound and personal way. (I volunteer in the activity department there once a week. I love it!)
  9. What are some of your favorite websites for activity professionals? I don't work in the industry yet. I'm a volunteer at an assisted living community, and I'm taking the MEPAP-1 course. These are some of the professional resources that I've used for my coursework. The top five sites have inspired me the most. activityconnection.com Pinterest.com Dollartree.com/department/seasons-occasions Activitydirectorsoffice.com Goldencarers.com Michaels.com Creativeforecasting.com Notjustbingo.com Thesprucecrafts.com Nccap.org Raonline.org Coolcreativity.com I just discovered a public group on Facebook called, The Activity Directors Desk. I've already gotten a couple of great ideas from this page. Because of a Final Practicum assignment, I found the www.activitydirector.net site. I think that this will be a fun and informative website. Sonya Sullivan MEPAP-1 Own Pace
  10. Hi there! My name is Sonya Sullivan. I volunteer once a week at an assisted living community in Houston. I work in another field right now. I'm taking the MEPAP-1 OwnPace course. I can't wait to actually work in this field! This course and my weekly volunteer opportunity are giving me invaluable hands-on experience. (However, I couldn't go there to volunteer this week due to the community 's Covid-19 precautions. It looks like I won't be able to go in next week either for the same reason.)
  11. I like all the options listed here. I volunteer at an assisted living community in Houston. Luckily, I was able to do a St. Patrick's Day arts and crafts project with the residents last week. We made rag wreaths.
  12. I love the No Sew Sock Bunny craft! I volunteer at an assisted living community in Houston. They have a deaf resident living there. I did an easy Valentine's Day craft with her. She loved it. I was looking for an easy Easter project to do with her. We communicate via pen and paper. I hope that I'll be allowed back in before Easter. The place is not allowing visitors in right now.
  13. I saw a great post on Facebook (Activity Directors Desk). They had their residents hold up a white board with messages to family and friends. Some of the messages were: "I'm doing well; call me sometime; Love, Mom." " I miss you; I love you, Mom. " "I hope to see you soon! Love, Grandma."
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