A Gift from : Paul Tedesco
There’s No Place Like (Nursing) Home – Stories of Dementia, Dying, and Peeing on
the Christmas Tree
Paul publishes non-fiction memoir to inspire caregivers. The book is free between January 23-25 on www.amazon.com ,
Kindle Store, if the link doesnt work, goto the Kindle Store and search for the title.
Paul Tedesco is a former pastor, counselor, and administrator at a human services organization,
holding a Master of Divinity degree. He has been a trainer locally and nationally,
a weekly columnist for The Catholic Spirit, a contributor to The National Catholic
Reporter, and an invited headline guest on ABC 20/20 and the Canadian Broadcast
Corporation radio network.
There’s No Place Like (Nursing) Home – Stories of Dementia, Dying, and Peeing on
the Christmas Tree: I have an Nh.D. Doctorate in Nursing Homes. I got it at the
University of Experience. One day my mother moved into a nursing home. On another
she died there. What happened in between changed my life. This is a book for my
friends, almost all of whom I haven’t met. They, like me, are getting older. So
are their parents. Many are or will end up in nursing homes. Most who do will die
there. Whether my friends learn to smile in between can change their lives too.
The book is a short folksy memoir, a compendium of stories about what I saw,
learned, and felt, and how I learned to smile again, then and now. Three-part
dementia-inspired operas will do that. So will listening to a saintly mom call a
white nurse a “honky.” I found laughter amidst my tears. I also found serenity
for a troubled soul. So can my friends.
URL: www.paultedescoauthor.com
Please contact: Paul Tedesco, 412-327-8078, htlk@comcast.net
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