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Do your aids assist residents to activities?


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Woops, my first time posting here and I think I posted it on the wrong board first..lol. I apologize for the double post



We have been having a major problem with getting the residents to actually come down to the activities (3 floors in facility). They will only come if we give them food, prizes, money or cigarettes. (The previous activity director basically bribed them to come to the activities by giving them things). I read on this forum the idea of offering "activity bucks' for the aids that bring residents down to group activities. This way, the aid is motivated to get as many of their residents to group activities. I thought it was a great idea, and so does the administrator. The CEO feels that it is not the duty of the Nurse's Aids to bring the residents to the activities because "they are too busy". We tried explaining to him that is what all of the other facilities do. But, now I need to back that up with some proof! SOOOO, how do your residents get to activities? Also, if anyone has any where or if this is documented in any regulations, etc. Would you please pass that along to me.

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Woops, my first time posting here and I think I posted it on the wrong board first..lol. I apologize for the double post



We have been having a major problem with getting the residents to actually come down to the activities (3 floors in facility). They will only come if we give them food, prizes, money or cigarettes. (The previous activity director basically bribed them to come to the activities by giving them things). I read on this forum the idea of offering "activity bucks' for the aids that bring residents down to group activities. This way, the aid is motivated to get as many of their residents to group activities. I thought it was a great idea, and so does the administrator. The CEO feels that it is not the duty of the Nurse's Aids to bring the residents to the activities because "they are too busy". We tried explaining to him that is what all of the other facilities do. But, now I need to back that up with some proof! SOOOO, how do your residents get to activities? Also, if anyone has any where or if this is documented in any regulations, etc. Would you please pass that along to me.

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It is my understanding that it is not just the Activities Deptartments responsibility to provide activities to the residents therefore it is not just the responsibility of the Activity staff to transport residents to and from group activities. Do aids and other staff help out? You tell me....not so much but it sure would be nice.

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Question: Do your aids assist residents to activities?

This has been a problem in our facility ever since I began as an Activity Assistant 9 years ago. It seems to be worse during the weekend which is tougher for us because we are usually alone on Saturdays. Everyone that I have ever talked to about this agrees that it is everyones responsibility to transport residents. One of our prior Administrators even told the Aides that it was their responsibility to get each of their residents to the lunch room which doesn't happen often. I had considered giving the Aides a raffle ticket or something each time they brought a resident but that never materialized. I think it is a good idea. I'm not sure if it is a requirement that Aides need to transport but you think it would be for the good of the residents. I will inquire about that.


Edited by rsue
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This can be tricky ... so many aides feel that they are indeed too busy (which sometimes is true) and they will balk at your request for help. BUT, I've found the best way is just to be matter of fact about it. Like today, we had bingo down in the Skilled Unit, and since we only have 4 Assisted Living residents (we are a relatively new facility), when I ran into the AL nurse coming back from her lunch break and she asked me what we had going on that afternoon, I told her there was bingo downstairs at 2pm, and that all four residents usually play so she could just bring them down at 2. She's not normally working on that floor, so she just accepted it as what was done, and brought everyone down and 2 and picked them up at 3. It was lovely.


So I guess my advice is to give them a fair warning, and be specific about what you want. I may not be the best one to give advice, since this is my first time being an AD and I've only been at it for 2 years, with a very small population, so I have no idea what it's like to face a large population that needs moving. But anyway, just go to them after lunch to remind them about the activity, and say, "Can you bring Mr. X and Mrs. Y down then?" Then go to another aide, and tell then two specific people, etc. If you know what residents they are assigned to, that might make it easier too. Make sure you thank them copiously if and when they do it, and if it's an activity like bingo where you've got some candy on hand, offer them some to be friendly. Also, don't forget to tell them who NOT to bring - I have two residents that are never allowed to come to bingo, because it totally bewilders them and they talk constantly the whole time, ruining it for everyone. So you could word it like, "Oh, Bingo's in an hour. You don't have to bring Mrs. Smith, because she is disruptive, but could you please bring Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Jones?" That way, they might feel like they are getting out of doing something by not having to bring someone.


Just some suggestions.

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I work in a ALF and a most of my residents can make it to acitivities on their own. But the Aides where I work are great at getting the residents out of their rooms and down to my activities. I am very fortunate.

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