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Margi last won the day on February 24 2013

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Help!!! I need to do an inservice for all staff on the importance of activities. I need to do a 15 min. talk on why the aides need to bring the residents to activities. I thought I would do a game first. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  2. Help! I need ideas for an inservice to all staff about the importance of having activities. I need to do a 15 minute talk on why we do what we do. I thought about maybe a game to start off. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  3. Hey, I just got blamed because a resident complained to State about the food. Not about the food activities serve, but about the food served from the kitchen. Nursing said it was Activities fault. That if this resident had more activities she wouldn't be complaining about the food. Try to figure that one out.
  4. I have tried and tried to bring the site up. If anyone is able to reach the site could you please post what the site has to say? Thank you
  5. Care Plans remain a mystery. I am not good at writing goals. I have bought all the books but they have not dealt with the problems of my residents. I definetly need a policy and procedure book. I need something to take to the Administrator because he does not have a clue of all the things an AD does.
  6. :hammer: I would like a copy, please. My email is margie1@joimail.com Thank-you
  7. I was wondering about the new bingo rules that you posted in the dining room. Our bingo games are getting very tense. The residents get angry if someone comes in late. We have many outburst. The person that is late can not always help it if they were at the doctor or the beauty shop. Our residents are wanting me not to let anyone play that is not there on time. I don't know if I can stop them from playing. Is there any state guidelines on this? Would I be violating their rights by not letting them play? What about the group that is on time is it violating their rights if we have to stop the game evey time some one comes in? Thanks
  8. On the Printmaster Platinum 16 how many activities per day can you type in the cell? I have the Printmaster Platinum 12 and it is wonderful except it doesn't give me enough room for all the activities. Thanks
  9. Our residents made thank-you cards and today we are making them cup cakes. Tomorrow I will put up signs stating it is CNA week. We will hand out suckers with a tag that say "We are suckers for our CNAs." They appreciate any recognition. The DON gave them a gift last week
  10. I am not sure how the privacy act works with newsletters. We are not allowed to post or announce our residents full name for birthdays in our facility.
  11. Has anyone had their state survey? If so how did it go? Ours is due soon. Thanks
  12. If anyone would like to do a service project there are lots of soldiers in Iraq that do not receive mail. If you would be willing to adopt one go to this site. www.soldiersangels.com Thanks
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