Mens Activities... this is an area that was hard for me... I figured out over the years that it wasnt the activity, men are simple... (Jeff Foxworthy said "men are simple, just give em a beer, and something naked. and they're happy") they dont want to play bingo they want to build a new bingo table, they want to be useful, to work, to be thanked and praised. They have lost they're position in the world, and just like youth, they want it back... badly.. if only for a second. I always approached my men residents as my doers, my work force, my "get er done" guys
I didnt stop by their rooms to ask if they wanted to play bingo, I asked them to help find something for the next activity, or help prepare the room for a meeting ... guys like nothing better than to help a lady in distress... my male residents were eventully always out and about looking for ways to help. Bird houses to hang, ballon wreaths to make... once they were out and among one another the Domino Competions started the football parties, NASCAR, projects etc.. they wrote their own activity plans....
have fun :hammer: