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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2012 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I have an easy participation log and room visit log, if anyone is interested feel free to e mail me at msarasa@thevillagehemt.com and I would not mind e mailing you a copy. Both allow you to have 3 months on one page. and I created it myself -Miguel
    1 point
  2. I have been in your postion as I am sure alot of others have too. When you get to many 1:1/s and In-rm visits it is just about impossible to get everything done that is required. So I finally had to take a stand for myself. During CP meetings I wrote CP's that stated res. would be out to certain act. on certain days and times. I made sure I had a selection so that I could see if one shift was more willing to get res. to an act. than another shift. The approaches stated that CNA's would ass't res. to act, have res. out of bed (OOB) an ready etc.. of course I kept daily part. records and if the res. was not at any of the act. I would check after it was over to see if s/he was OOB, or what happened. And I write on the Part. records under that res. name why they did not attend. I placed the blame where it needed to go. Next CP meeting this was discussed sometimes it brought about changes and if it didn't I tried to speak with DON, ADON and/or Admin. However when State came in they saw the Part Records and sometimes a defiiciency would be written up but not on Act. but nursing. I will bend over backwards to help any other person/dept/staff I give them all respect but in turn they must also respect me and my dept. Sometimes you have to fight back to get this. Hope this helps in some way. P
    1 point
  3. Mens Activities... this is an area that was hard for me... I figured out over the years that it wasnt the activity, men are simple... (Jeff Foxworthy said "men are simple, just give em a beer, and something naked. and they're happy") they dont want to play bingo they want to build a new bingo table, they want to be useful, to work, to be thanked and praised. They have lost they're position in the world, and just like youth, they want it back... badly.. if only for a second. I always approached my men residents as my doers, my work force, my "get er done" guys I didnt stop by their rooms to ask if they wanted to play bingo, I asked them to help find something for the next activity, or help prepare the room for a meeting ... guys like nothing better than to help a lady in distress... my male residents were eventully always out and about looking for ways to help. Bird houses to hang, ballon wreaths to make... once they were out and among one another the Domino Competions started the football parties, NASCAR, projects etc.. they wrote their own activity plans.... have fun :hammer:
    1 point
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