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Ad Brigade


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For those of you who may have not seen my post in reply to Gina's sad farewell, I proposed starting a sort of band, or brigade if you will, of Activity Director's. Now of course this whole site is dedicated to bringing AD's together, which is so nice. (and again cheers to those who created and keep up this site.. :pint: ). But I want to take things a step further.


I do screen printing and button making on the side, so I was thinking of making some "AD Brigade" shirts and buttons, maybe sending out a monthly newsletter.


I just really want to inspire and be inspired in this new field ( a field that is new to me that is....). I want new and fresh idea's. Not just idea's that were used in christmas of 1975, or something that every AD site has. ACTUAL new idea's. Inventive, creative, inspiring, BRAND NEW.


I know this field of expertise has exsisted for quite some time, and some might think that all the idea's have been used, but it is no so. Afterall how many tries did it take for thomas edison to get a relatively simple idea as the lightbulb to work right. And yet today we are still finding ways to improve it.


Times are changing, the world is always evolving, and so should our work. Let's take it to the next level. I think with your help we can all make a difference.


So for all those who want to join the AD Brigade send me an email to ADBrigade@hotmail.com.


Please include your return email info, and maybe a little bio on yourself. Things you'd like to see or recieve from the Brigade in the future.


THanks for the support. We're in this together!




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I don't have a ceative saying or inspiring one, at the moment :-D But the field of doing activites for residents will be changing. What I mean is that we usually deal with a certain generation/age group. The age of people who will be admitted to nursing homes and ass't living will be changing. So must our activites. Think about our generation (well some of us) how we will want computers, more solitaire type activities, how the parties will need to change, the demands will be high on AD's. Of course the AD's will probably be our children. However this may not be as hard as it sounds to me. After I find it fairly easy doing activites fo rthe generation I work with. So why wouldn't they find doing activites for us just as easy?

Anyway I don't know how you can use this but you will be the next generation/leader. What creative think can you think up that would appeal to us?

You might want to think about a theme for Activit Professionals Day in January and submit it for approval to NAAP.org If they approve it there will be shirts, buttons and much more needed. Be of luck Pennie.

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THANKS! PENNIE! I know how much experience you have in this business, so anything you say is always going to be encouraging to me!


P.S. Just to further clarify, The ADBrigade is in NO way suppose to take away from the impact and brilliance of this site. I just want to form a group within it's members of people that are beyond dedicated to this job.


Let's get some emails rollin! I don't want to be the only member of the BRIGADE! hehehe :hammer:

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way to go Braydon!! count me in!! I am currently working as a Social Services Director, but am also an AD. I want the activity profession to get beyond bingo!! I am new to the site- but have had about 10 years experience in the field...


so come on all you activity professionals out there..... lets show the world what we can do!!!!!


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:-D WOW sounds Amazing....COUNT me in...I have only been in this field for two years and am always looking for ways to stay Inspired!! its definately not easy!! Maybe this will be just what i'm looking for! I know this site helps. Again Count me in!

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Thanks so much for the response! I'm getting more and more inspired by you guys by the day!


I love the replies! Definitely keep them coming, but remember to check my original post ( above ), and if you want to join, email me at ADBrigade@hotmail.com!

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Things are heating up in the Brigade. We've had 4 people join since I first posted, which is very nice! Things are starting to roll nicely! I again encourage more people to join! See ya out there!



I'd like to welcome Heather, Crystal, Diana, and Angie to the Brigade!

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Ok you guys...you have inspired me to look deep within myself and decidemy Activity Department could use some sprucing up! We DO need change...doing the samr thing month after month. Braydon...you have taken the bull by the horns! Count me in! I will be sending you my e-address. Laree

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