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What to do when its raining outside?

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I need some ideas when its raining outside, but has to do with the weather or something of the season? Any ideas please email me at mapleluv09@myspace.com Thank You!!! :P


Dear Mapleluv09: Why not use this time to reminice about the last time it rained and how bad it was, or when the last time there was a major snowstorm this late in the year. Try to find something online about where you live and what the weather was like on a particular day or if there was a particular storm or heat wave.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I need some ideas when its raining outside, but has to do with the weather or something of the season? Any ideas please email me at mapleluv09@myspace.com Thank You!!! :huh:



We had a contest once where participants had to guess the weather and what it would be each day of the month. The person who guessed the most days correctly won a prize. I like the reminiscing idea and think you can also make it a bit goofy too by mentioning the book/movie "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" and asking what food they would like to rain from the sky if we lived in a world like that. Maybe even collect a wide assortment of snacks beforehand to make that conversation more social. The conversation can also segway into favorite childhood books or books they read to their kids.

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:( Rainy Day Blues :(


By Jenny Livingston


Rain Day can make play a little challenging however you can make it fun using the like Weather Bingo cards you can use words across the top like C L O U D. You can also use just pitcher’s you can only cover one weather for each day, so if it’s sunny cover one sun next day it rains cover the rain. I used a twister for the free space. As I live in California and That is unlikely weather. You can post it on a board in the facility and each of your clients can have a card in their room. Make the rules and post them right on the same board. This is a wonderful opportunity to orientate our guest to time and place. Have you tried a reflection group? Mediate / stretch to the sounds of rain. “Close your eyes and feel the warm rain beating down on your head. Relax your head let it fall to your chest. Feel the warm gentle rain on the back of your neck. Slowly lift your face to the sky feel the refreshing spray on your face. Slowly move it down the body … Feel the warm rain hit your shoulders slowly roll them forward in small circles.” No electricity no problem none need and this can be used at bedside & groups. Keep the voice study and mellow. Finish with a refreshing beverage. And there is so much more you can do. :huh:


Edited by Fablous
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Dear Mapleluv09: Why not use this time to reminice about the last time it rained and how bad it was, or when the last time there was a major snowstorm this late in the year. Try to find something online about where you live and what the weather was like on a particular day or if there was a particular storm or heat wave.



Why not make a game out of it such as "How much rain did we get?" and place a measuring cup outside to catch the falling rain? Once the rain stops see who was the closest and award them a prize.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We made a game also out of the weather. We had all the patient say what they did on a rainy day and also made a game of finding words of sentences that you can use rain in. Example. It a rainy day in Georgia. When it rain it pours. Singing in the rain. You will be suprise how well this goes over. We would break up in teams and who come up with the most sentences win a prize. :wub:

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