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How To Interveiw Someone


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Hi All,

I ran across this web site from all place a cooking magazine :-?

I went to it and wow :-P Story Crops helps you generate questions for about every occassion. It gives advise on how to interview people, questions to ask and more. You have the option of doing the interview by recording or verbal. go to the website click on Participate then click on question generator, from here you make up a list of 8 questions. They then give you a page of questions, you may have not even thought of and they reword yours to sound better. Then you have a chance, actually 2 possible more to get the questions in the order you want and delete the ones you don't. After all is done you get a final copy to save and print. Best of all this is FREE :hammer: Check them out. P

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Hi, Pennie! :-)


I visited the "story crops" site last night. It truly is a great source for generating questions for interviewing someone. I don't think I would ever use the site itself, but I sure will borrow the questions. Also, it provided a quick print out of the generated questions. Thanks for pointing it out to us.




Linda Lucas, AD

http://www.theactivitydirectorsoffice.com ;-)

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