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New Monthly Newsletter Available


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Hi, Everybody! :-)


FYI: I have added a monthly newsletter to my website, The Activity Director's Office at http://www.theactivitydirectorsoffice.com . You can sign up now and not miss the first edition which comes out in December 2004. The newsletter will be written as an Adobe PDF file. The link will be e-mailed to you each month so you can either read the newsletter online or print out a copy for yourself. It requires that you have the industry standard Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Most computers come with that software factory installed. However, if you need to load it into your computer, you may get it for free at this address: http://www.download.com/3120-20-0.html?qt=...ader&tg=dl-2001 .

I will include this address in your e-mail announcement about the newsletter.


Thanks to all of you who have helped me get my website up and running. Special thanks go to Pennie and Chip Bacon of The Activity Director Network at http://www.activitydirector.net ; Gina Salazar of Activity Ideas That Work at http://pages.ivillage.com/ginasalazar2004/ and Activity Chat at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Activ...?yguid=32256940 ; and my husband Bob Lucas of Newsletter-Express.com at http://www.newsletter-express.com .


Hope to talk to you all when Gina and Miguel get a Chat Night established.


Sincerely yours,


Linda Lucas, AD ;-)

The Activity Director's Office


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Hi, Again! :-D


Hey! I should have attached a P.S. to my message. Here it is....


PS: You are more than welcome to submit articles of interest, poems, humor, photos and just about anything else for insertion into my newsletter. The only compensation I can offer you is the credit for the submission. All submissions are subject to editing. I cannot guarantee that all submissions will be published. However, they definatey can't be published if you don't send them to me. So be brave and fire your e-mail to me at rdlucas@insightbb.com.


Main topic interests include: anything that will benefit Activity Directors; items which can be used in facility newsletters (i.e. original and/or public domain items); personal Activity Director experiences.


Thanks again,


Linda Lucas, AD ;-)

The Activity Director's Office


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Hi LInda,

You've had such great ideas - and your website is so helpful!


Can't wait to see December's newsletter - when I am at work, I couldn't bring up the other newsletters. Maybe it was just corporate blocking it - I am not sure.

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