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I've been working in long term care for 6 years and now most of my residents are short term rehab residents. They bring laptops and materials for independent leisure pursuits. Does anyone have any new ideas for activity programs for our baby boomer's?

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There Are So Many.


Book Club

Current Events Group

On the Sunshine Cart Add on "Cooler Magazines"

Set Up an Internet Chat with Residents

Supply Web Cams

Online Gaming Accounts

Movie Night, but with Age Appropriate Movies

If Able to, They Should Be on All Trips that Interest Them

Do they have their GED? Maybe offer simple GED Courses or Foreign Language Class

Scrap Booking with Real Supplies

Decorating Committee

Musical Bingo with their Songs

Family Feud

Give them A Craft Book to Pick Their Own Project to Pursue

Have them do your weekly sales in the lobby.

Makeover Monday instead of just manicures.

Greeting Card Making

Social Discussions/Social Circle/Support Group


or trigger them on the MDS. there's nothing wrong with them doing what theyre already doing. their participation is just solely in an independent setting but are not prone to isolation.

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Everyone is on Facebook nowadays...I'm sure their grandkids are too. You should ask them if they'd like to learn to communicate with their family through Facebook. The coolest thing is that everyone posts pictures and comments by the hour, usually, and so there will always be something for your resident to read and/or respond to.

Good Luck!

Angie Hylton

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I've been working in long term care for 6 years and now most of my residents are short term rehab residents. They bring laptops and materials for independent leisure pursuits. Does anyone have any new ideas for activity programs for our baby boomer's?

As a Rec Director, I wish we had a good computer and internet for my residents-I have a put-together one with printer, but right now, we have people who are not interested. It's hard enough to get them to play the Wii instead of watching one or two do it. Today a man told me to do it instead of him. Anyway, I have said that when I am a resident, I want a laptop (hope I have one by then!), a printer and a good wi-fi connection as well as adequate electrical outlet (can't have an extension cord!). I wouldn't expect a facility to provide me with the hardware/software, but I'd need the hookups. And I seriously doubt I'd want to be out playing bingo when I can get comfy in my bed with a big bed pillow, my tea and a laptop with internet! just careplan me. Perhaps you could have an internet scavenger hunt-first one to find a certain number of particular sites (using google or other search engine) would have to email you and win a soda! Or they could work with another resident who has family far away, and send that family member an email for them. If they have powerpoint, have them put together a slideshow , especially if you have a theme, i.e., racecars, horses, trains, penny candies, sodas, old advertising, etc.

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As a Rec Director, I wish we had a good computer and internet for my residents-I have a put-together one with printer, but right now, we have people who are not interested. It's hard enough to get them to play the Wii instead of watching one or two do it. Today a man told me to do it instead of him. Anyway, I have said that when I am a resident, I want a laptop (hope I have one by then!), a printer and a good wi-fi connection as well as adequate electrical outlet (can't have an extension cord!). I wouldn't expect a facility to provide me with the hardware/software, but I'd need the hookups. And I seriously doubt I'd want to be out playing bingo when I can get comfy in my bed with a big bed pillow, my tea and a laptop with internet! just careplan me. Perhaps you could have an internet scavenger hunt-first one to find a certain number of particular sites (using google or other search engine) would have to email you and win a soda! Or they could work with another resident who has family far away, and send that family member an email for them. If they have powerpoint, have them put together a slideshow , especially if you have a theme, i.e., racecars, horses, trains, penny candies, sodas, old advertising, etc.
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Thanks everyone for all the great ideas! I'm changing facilities from one where Bingo was the #1 activity to a new facility where 90% of the residents are rehab.

Thanks again for all the ideas!

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