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Can some one help me!!!!


The QA report is due for activities, has anyone completed this before. Can someone give me guidance and maybe e-mail me a copy of theres so I have something to go by. I would realllllly appreciate it!!!!!!! Please Helppppp!!!!!!




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My QA this year is focusing on Care Plans. With the enforment of resident desired outcomes, my staff is having a difficult time implementing this. So, I'm monitoring it.

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Guest Guest_Miguel

We are also monitoring the Careplan process for all residents and reporting on progress. We have a staff member who monitors 3 residents weekly that their careplans are in the chart and are individualized.



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I look at some different areas for quality improvement. I do a complete look at all residents in our facility, catorgorizing them in 1:1, low functioning, mid functioning and high functioning. I take the percentage of each. I then look at every activity we offer and do the same analysis. I then compare the percentages to see if we are meeting all needs. I also look to see the numbers of visits residents receive from TR staff. I have a minimum number required and take a percentage. My threshhold is that 80% of residents will receive required number of visits. My TR survey of resident's view of activities is included in my QI as well. I look at 25% of each unit's charts per quarter and have a check off sheet for each item required - assessment, progress notes, care plsns, RAPS, etc. I also have to look at the cleanliness of our hair dresser and TR rooms where our baking and groups occur. I hope this helps. Shelley Evans

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At my facility, OQ is basically a mock survey for our department and the entire facility.



Since we have the new regs, I am trying to add a little, piece by piece, so that we can integrate the other departments in a mode that can be documented when they participate in activities. We also cover the F tags and any other "big" issues that may arise during the qtr. E.G- Communication, interference with programming, etc.

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