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Everything posted by bigchris
  1. I will begin with local community groups and then move on to internet, corporations, etc. Has anyone attempted to use thier community? Please post. Gina, thank you for your input!
  2. I will open this up to those who don't have million dollar budgets...ha,ha. Anyway, Please post your questions and we can address them. If you have any ideas, input or suggestions....let us know.
  3. Hello all, I have been asked many times about the HIPAA reg and what it has to do with our profession. I put my article about HIPAA in the Article section. Please read it and give me your feedback. If you don't know me, I am an ADC in Georgia and I teach several classes for Activity Directors. So your feedback helps me. My e-mail is on this site and you can also contact me on hotmail at : bigchris1974@hotmail.com If you decide to reprint or use it, I do ask that you contact me first. Thanks and have a good one. Click Here to Read the HIPPA Crash Course Article Chris
  4. Had ours a few months ago, the surveyors didn't bother us. I knew 2 of them already so they gave me the two I didn't know. They were surprised by 2 things that I did: 1) I called each resident by name and 2) While I was talking to one of them a resident came by and I (mistakenly) stopped talking to address the resident. When I apologized the surveyor said that she was impressed. Otherwise that was it.
  5. My suggestion would be to do a topic search on what questions not to ask during an interview. I have found that if you ask open ended questions and allow them to talk for an extended period. This way you can find out about thier personalities and what is on thier minds. Chris
  6. Hey folks, My name is Chris aka bigchris. I am an ADC in Georgia with specific experience in large events, dementia programming, HIPPA, Volunteers and Media relations.
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