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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi I have always used the monthly act. calendar for my part. records. (For they last 100 years ha-ha) I make a copy of the calendar for each res. On the cal. I put a res. name & their CP Goal. Every act. that the res. attends is hi-lighted. The hi-light is a system that I use to track the res. attendance & part. or lack of. Before you make a copy of the calendar for each res. put your hi-light codes on it. Ex: Yellow- Active, Green - Passive, Blue - Sick, OOP, Not OOB etc. & Orange - Reused This means yellow res came & was active in group act. Green came but olny watched, Blue was gone to doctor, not out of bed etc. Orange (s/he might be CP'ed to attend certain act) res refused to come. This system is great because you can look at it in a glance & see if there is a change in the res. act. attendance. It also is very useful in doing your charting as well as using in defense when family or whoever says that they never get asked to act. It has saved our butts may times. I use Printmaster to do my newsletters & calendars. So I am able to take my monthly calendar make a place for res. name & goal. Add the hi-light code & print it. From this I xerox a calendar for every res. in the facility & place in a binder. Since my Ass't keep track of who attends what act. & are responsible for certain res on certain floors it was to hard to do using a computer. This system makes it easy for all involved. Check out the download area I think you will find a sample of this in there. P
    1 point
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