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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2013 in all areas

  1. I have found a lot of items for my board at the Dollar Tree. Plus the price is right! Also staples has many item in their "teacher" section.
    1 point
  2. Activityconnection.com is a great resource for bulletin board material. It is a subscription based site (around $12/month). But well worth it! You can find a bunch of ideas for your bulletin boards under the "Planning and Publication" sections for each month. Pinterest has some great creative ideas http://pinterest.com/suehills/bulletin-board-ideas/ Resourceful ideas: http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/classmanagement/bb/borders.htm Hope this helps! Stephanie
    1 point
  3. I love getting bulletin board decorations from here: http://www.trendenterprises.com/home.cfm you can also find them at Teacher Supply stores in your area. There are borders for all seasons and ideas! Do a search for all sorts of themes http://www.trendenterprises.com/product_searchresults_New.cfm?Keywords=&ThisLevel1=Product+Category&Level1=ThisLevel1&ThisLevel2=Trimmers+and+Borders&Order=i.rank Kathy
    1 point
  4. Lots of suggestions offered. The only thing I can add is try to decorate the boards with a theme that could be use for 2 months in a row. The facility I worked at had 4 boards to decorate monthly. When you have to remove the calendars & all of the decorations, then re-decorate them & put the new monthly calendar up takes alot of time. Don't forget you still have to remove & put new calendars up in every residents room. Well this can take up almost your whole day & you haven't done any activities yet! So when decorating your boards try to keep this in mind.
    1 point
  5. Hi Jamie! Guess what? I am NOT very knoweledgeable on the computer....BUT....I have learned to cut and paste and google! God sends really! (I must be learning). We cut, paste and print large pictures and we also use donated wrapping papers with pretty colors. Sometimes simple is better! Another source we often use is the Dollar Store. There are always lots of seasonal and inexpensive decorations to tie into themes. Thanks for chatting the other evening. It was very stress relieving to have someone say "I know"! Hope all is well. Dawn Kimble
    1 point
  6. hi all i hope this is what i had to do for mepa-1 because this is all that i found but dont see any new posts here. My name is jamie and im currently an activity assistant at a long term care facility in ohio. We do our activity boards by a screen that is updated weekly and prn that shows u tube vidoes and show cases the daily menue and show the weather along with the daily activities.
    1 point
  7. There is a magazine out there called: "A New Day" by Gary Grimm & Associates & I have gotten bulletin board borders through this company. I don't know if they are on the web, but the toll free number for a catalog is: 1-800-442-1614. Give that a try.
    1 point
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