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I Don't Know What To Do With This Problem.....


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Has anyone here had a problem with "resident" gossip????

Ok, here's the problem - there are 10 dept. heads at my facility. The Maintenance supervisor and I have become really good friends, our offices are in the same building. Apparently, one of our residents has quite a crush on him, from what I hear around the facility - A HUGE CRUSH!!!!and she has begun spreading the word that - the Activity Director (me) and the Maintenance Supervisor are "fooling around"..... (we aren't - I'm married) The other day in the middle of the bingo game, this resident starts saying how it would be a shame if someone told my husband that I'm fooling around. I've talked to her and told her, that he and I are co-workers, and friends - nothing more.....she's is rapidly spreading these rumors, some other residents are starting to believe this lady. I am really staring to worry that my job could be in jepordy over this if it doesn't stop, or he could lose his job.....I don't know how this has gotten so out of hand.

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I have had the same problem except it was the Staff spreading it. I went to the social worker and administor about it. They took care of it quickly, i would talk to the social worker, at my faucilty she has taken care of the gossip between residents spreading rumors on each other.

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Your situation must be tough, but my incidence of resident gossip is much funnier!


I had a resident come to me in tears and ask me when my last day was. The rumor had gotten out that I had quit. She just couldn't stand to see me go, and why was I abandoning them? As soon as I calmed her down, I reassured her that I was not leaving! I had four or five more residents through out the day ask me if I was leaving and about 20 say something like, "You wouldn't ever leave us would you?" I never felt more appreciated in my life!



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I agree that you should speak with the Social Worker as well as the making your Administrator aware of this rumor/resident.

Remember that it is hard to talk bad about someone when they join in on the band wagon. If you defend yourself over and over each time getting louder you are playing into her game, so don't.

Also since she has such a crush on him has he spoken to her? Maybe he could tell her that it is not true, and how he really avoids people that talk about others and those that spead rumors. He might also tell her that he is really dissapointed in her actions. Or appeal to her heart say that he may lose his job beacause someone has started this unture rumor. Since I don't know the res. I don't know which tact might work with her, but he might want to think about a way to get her to stop it. She more than likely does not want to look bad in his eyes.

Keep you head up and focus on your job and other res. All rumors die when they have nothing to feed on or until next new item comes up :cry:

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Pennie, we have tried all the tactics you suggested - he's gone as far as to tell the res. that he won't talk to her anymore.......it's only getting worse, now the cna's and housekeepers are only helping her delusions along. Yes, he and I are seen talking to each other quite often and if anyone is looking for him, they now come to me because the word around the facility is " if you want to find him, then find her and he won't be far behind" so, other than the Heads of Staff ( which include myself and him) pretty much everyone now believes that our getting along so well and enjoying each others company must mean something more is going on!!! it's crazy.......and it's making us feel very uneasy, I'm not going to stop this friendship just because residents and employees find it such a good conversation piece.....don't these people have something better to do........like their JOBS?????

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I'm a little outspoken (bitchy is another word) & at this point, I would not only make the Admin aware that this is continuing, but I would also let the Dept. Heads of these employees & let them know that this is going on. This could really be considered harassment, & I would bet that your facility's has policies regarding this. Best of luck.

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Ok, well here's the latest of this fiasco.........I have made Admin. and Social Service aware that it is continuing. Several Dept. Heads have talked to the resident, myself included. She (the resident) is now, very nice to me when I'm face to face with her but, the rumors continue to fly...........I'm just trying to ignore it and continue our friendship and do my job........oddly enough, as much as she loves to talk about me - and claims to dislike me, she still shows up for my bingo games three times a week - go figure!!!

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