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Assisted Living Ideas


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Hi wondering what type of programs you offer to your assisted living clients?

I have all nursing care/long term care residents now but we are building some assisted liing units and I am asked to offer programs for this special population. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Linda :pint:

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Hi Mawbell,

though I work in a Long Term Care Facility, I applied at an Assisted LIving facility recently, and they do a lot of outings. Another good thing to do would to be to ask you AL residents to do service projects, like writing to our soldiers, or collecting for the needy (boxes/cans of food, clothing, toys for children).


But above all, survey your new population and find out what their interests are.

That is the best place to start.


Good luck!

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Hi, Linda! :-D


My facility has some assisted living apartments. Those residents are provided an activity calendar and have a standing invitation to participate in any of the activities of the general population. So I usually see them at Bingo and special functions like Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas party, Volunteer Awards, etc. I do not have a special calendar for them alone.


I agree with Diana. Because of their high functioning level you may be able to work them into you program as volunteers.


Lots of luck with your AL folks


Linda Lucas, AD ;-)


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  • 6 years later...

My partner and I are developing activity ideas focused on personal histories and encouraging residents to think about their story being part of their Legacy. We are thinking along the lines of a "Quiz Show" with residents are quizzed to see how well they know one another, or "A Walk Down Memory Lane" where questions are pulled out of a hat - open-ended questions with time limits to get participants to focus on important highlights of life. Maybe these ideas are something you can also incorporate or that generate ideas that you can share back with us in return?

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