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:wub: HOT!


I live in California Things this time of year start getting HOT! HOT! HOT! :D !


I am now trying to come up with ways to beat the heat! We will start With a Christmas in July. Move on to the Penguin Races. Have a contest who can make frozen pudding the fastest. I was also think of doing something with the Ice Age. Ice Age the movie with Virgin Mint Julius or Virgin Strawberry Decries. Maybe turn the courtyard or a room into a Winter Wonderland. It has to be a room because I use the Courtyard for the shipwreck social and Movie Event. What would you do to Chill Out and Beat The Heat? B)


:P Thanks,

Jenny Livingston


Activity Coordinator



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If you are looking for a BIG EVENT, deck out your actvity room with a '50s theme, music included and serve ice cream soda's. If you are looking for something just for an afternoon activity, then do an Ice Cream Social. Play some up beat music and have vanilla ice cream with lots of different toppings for the residents to choose from. I am from Michigan and though we do get some hot weather, it doesn't get HOT, HOT, HOT, so we do our Ice Cream Social outside and they love it. We make their ice cream sundae's to order, play music and some times a little ball toss, ballloon ball or another form of exercise.


We also have done root beer floats which are a huge hit! They don't get root beer as it is not available through our dietary vendor so it is an extra special treat.


I did the "50s theme for our Resident-Family Picnic one year and of course saved all the decorations. I occasionally use the decorations for a smaller afternoon activity. FYI: Hit the local thrift stores and pick up 45 records. They are great to use as decorations. I used fishing line and hung them from the ceiling!


Hope this helps a bit!



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Here in FL is feel like 100++ So am HOT HOT HOT TOO!

Could use these ideas too! Describe please the Penguin races this sounds like fun!

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Since our participants love to eat, I make certain I have plenty of healthy and cold treats. We have fresh watermelon quite a bit. I make fruit smoothies, and the diabetics will have sugar free ice cream. I also gear my art programs around the heat including creating ice cream magnet crafts, paper fans, etc.

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