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Early AM Residents and Such


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Greetings Activity Professionals!


I need some advice.. I have a new administrator who is really big on residents being lined up after breakfast at the nurses station. Activities dont officially start until 10am and I was curious what some other Activity PRofessionals do so that their residents are not lined up or stored in the day room until activities start.


We have this same problem before dinner and after dinner..


Any ideas!

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We rearranged our activity program to accomadate this. We have a local pastor who leads devotions at 8:30 several days a week. On other mornings, we do a news program or our Sunshine Club (which is just a clever name for whatever we want to do). Before and after dinner, we do games and puzzles in the common area. I just altered my staff's schedules so that we have someone in the building from 7:00AM to 9:00PM. It's all about meeting the residents' needs.

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