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This Just In, News On The New Mds

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From the August 2004 issue of the Long Term Care Survey Alert-Vol. 6 No. 8


Survey Trends-


CMS Upping the Ante for Activities:


The most recent drafts of proposed changes to the MDS include revised guidelines for 2 F-Tags under activities/activity director ( F248 and 249). Surveyors will use the changes to assess the level of severity at any tag that has caused negative psychosocial outcomes.


The draft for activities also includes a new survey protocol that would determine if "the facility has developed and provided each resident with an individual and ongoing program of activities that is designed to meet interests and attain the highest practible level for well being."

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As of right now, the new MDS is hard to find. I have seen bits and pieces, but I have not viewed the entire document. If anyone knows where to see the whole thing. Please let us know.






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I just read that the MDS 3.0 probably won't be ready till at least 2007. If this is true or not, I don't know, but it was published in a monthly publication that is handed out to the departments.... PPS Alert.



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  • 2 weeks later...


You are doing the correct sections of the MDS. Remember that you need to sign off on the MDS, to do this one must be certified, sign your name,your title, date, & the sections you did/responsible for.

Therpaist also sign section T.

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