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How many of you had to plan a totaly different day of activities do to storms ie hurricane charley is the one heading toward fl. So on Friday the 13 all dept heads must stay at work until the storm is over. If the power goes out we still have to stay until power comes back on. School are closed who ever brings children in we will have them spend time with the residents doing board games and puzzles. What is your take on stroms and activities

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I had to a few times, it tested the creativity.


Since then I haved learned how to change and I keep a stock of "emergency" supplies for several occasions.


I also keep emergency bags for different scenarios. Folks have asked for information on these and I am compiling that.


Let me know if you are interested and I can send it to you when I am done.


FYI- My most interesting was a Fire!!!




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Hi Dawn,

There was a major flood a few years back in Houston, from a hurricane. It flooded out a facility in our area. So they sent all of the residents and some of their staff to ours. We had res. in the hallways, dining room, etc. there were people in every inch of the facility. I was embrassed by the way my res. treated the other res. They acted like children. Anyway we played movies in one area, another had music, bible study in another dining room, games in different dining room etc.. I had no plan for this type of situtation, never been faced with it before. Needles to say I learned from it. Now have items, game plane, instructions etc.. in the office just in case.

I noticed that how the staff reacted to the situtation played a big role as to how the res. reacted, so be calm and cool, after all we are Activity Directors we can handle whatever comes our way. B)

Chris how about posting your list up on the site??! I know you love me (lol) P

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Yeah you know I do....


I will put my info later. I start school next week so give me a chance to get started. I will keep you updated.




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