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:-D Just saying hi to everyone and thanking each one of you who have posted ideas. I stumbled upon this site and WOWOWOWOW :lol: was I amazed. Everyone keep up the outstanding work.


Steph from Ga.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Steph,

Glad that you stumbled on us. What type of setting do you work in? How many res. etc.. Have you ran across any other sites that you like? We love getting new ideas or even a twist on an old act. Share with us. By the way WELCOME :hammer:

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Hi Steph,

I live in Illinois but my son is stationed at Ft Stewart Georgia. He is with the 3rd Infantry Division and was on the front when we went to war. He returned safely home in September but just got back from training in California to return to Iraq supposedly in November but now they tell him they may have to go back in May or June. Are you close to Ft. Stewart? Welcome. Blessings, Mary

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  • 3 weeks later...

:-) Hi all.. sorry it has taken me so long to get back in touch. Im in Newnan, GA. I have a little over 60 residents, so its not that overwhelming. I find the most difficult is convincing the Independent that coming into the assisted side isnt that bad!!! There is a complex there... I had never done this line of work before but always knew it was where I belonged and I was RIGHT!! What I take home everyday isnt your ordinary job. I take home loving "goodbye's" and "we love you's". Rewarding beyond belief!! I am a mother of two children, ages 8 and 6, and not carrying home stress has been a wonderful benefit. Thanks for the welcome!! Steph

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