One new event we just tried this month was a Classic Car Show. We had about 12 or 13 classic cars parked in the parking lot on a nice, sunny day. I work in a health care unit in a retirement community, and our independent living has a group that formed a classic car club, so some of the cars came from there. We also had staff who had a personal connection to a classic car group who shows their cars regularly. We had ice cream, oldies music (beach boys were a big hit!) and chairs for residents to sit in and enjoy the sunshine. Residents were also given a voting slip to vote for their favorite car which was a nice touch they enjoyed. We have a lot of trips and events that cater to women's interests, but this was geared specifically to the men. A few who had expressed interest from our unit originally did not end up coming out on the day, but we did get quite a few men from other units--and ladies as well! On a more regular basis we do a "Men's Coffee" weekly, where men can get together to chat and have coffee.