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1. Color of Coaching


Several years ago I was sitting in my office wondering what

balance looked like as a drawing. At the time I was selling

goal setting and time management programs and wanted to

demonstrate an image to my clients. I went on to illustrate

other situations like getting off track or out of alignment. This

one simple drawing has evolved over the years and continues

to inspire my clients to build their own model or metaphor.

My dedication to this process has been an ongoing evolution

as I explore new applications and audiences.


What it has become is: Well you know how some people have

a difficult time seeing the big picture…. they can't see how they

have gotten off track, stressed or out of balance...


Which means they often have conflicts, they don't achieve their

goals they say yes when they want to say no? … they have no

leisure time,


Well, what I do is offer them tools and techniques to paint a

picture, a picture that illustrates their current situation. Then

support them in breaking it down into workable parts where they

can begin the process of reshaping which means the conflicts

are fewer and better handled, goals are achieved, and they take

back control of their time and life


The benefit of which is they enjoy leisure activities, find greater

satisfaction in their work, and make positive contributions that shape

their world. When we work together we use shapes and vibrant colors.

Let me begin by giving you an example of the evolution of one

element of your life and see how it comes alive for you.


When people begin their careers they look at options and explore

different ways to make money. Some may be transitioning into a

new career as a way to create a life style change, a remodel of the

old career. It is an expression of power and of taking charge. It is

strength and energy and the color is red, the base chakra. It doesn't

matter if they hire themselves a job in a corporation or build their own

business. They are inspired and motivated.


Their career moves quickly to professional, civic or networking meetings

and all the social issues. They contact buddies or former business

associates to promote their role. If in a corporation, they meet the

leaders and their co-workers. It is stimulation, socializing and the color

is orange, the second chakra.


Their career is a craft at this point based on a set of skills or a model.

Many are trained from a memorized process or protocol. Their work

is a left brain, mental experience. It is the third chakra and the color is

yellow. These experiences are formalized and may become a routine.

Some people may stay here. They may be at the job for forty or more

years before they retire.


Others move on to the next level, the heart center, as a natural transition.

They link in to an evolving growth cycle both for themselves and their work.

They have begun to integrate their work to the inside where it has a drive,

a motivation all its own. This may be the shift from job to career---

Some people -- and I hear this from so many -- began their careers early,

maybe even as a child. They come from tinkering in their garage, Junior

Achievement, or lemonade stands. They are giving their all from their

heart center. They begin their training from this place as they begin to get

the basics, to learn the techniques and lingo of their career path. Do they

move back to the heart after their training? They never leave this heart

center for that is their passion and who they are. The color is green,

balance, and they give it their all, for that is their place of authenticity.

This is the fourth chakra.


Each color transition may be initiated by a lack of focus, no time for

family or play or a dissatisfaction. These steps bring new challenges

as well as joy in the possibilities of change.


The next transition may be the most difficult, for this is where people

express who they are, what they do. In the routine of business, it is where

many get tripped up. The golden handcuffs may have a strong hold here.

It is at this level where they integrate their job into a career and into their

bodies. They lose the memorized skills. I as their coach now move with

them in a flow as they meet new people change companies, encounter new

opportunities and life takes on an art form. This is the fifth chakra, blue,

and it is throat or communication center.


As the client speaks from this place, they begin to notice the law of

attraction coming in to play. This is where I really work with my client to

clarify or redefine some clear intentions set on who and what he wants to

attract and where she want her career or business to expand.


The next shift is to integrate this new knowledge into the inner knowing,

the intuitive self. This is where the real flow begins. The individual begins

to take some real leadership roles in training, sales or product development.

The work, with the intuitive voice, lets go of ego, the need to be right and

brings in fresh ideas, synchronically, and magically. This is the sixth chakra,

indigo, also known as the third eye. It is the center from which shamans and

healers -- as well as innovators and visionaries work.


For most this step is the last step and brings them to the spiritual level -- a

vital step in the big picture. This is where people connect to the divine in

all things and become aware of their impact on other environments. They

connect with themselves in a different way. It is the integration of their lives

on all levels. Here is where balance really begins. It is the place where I hear

my clients experience the big AH HA. I think this is when it gets mystical.

It is the crown or seventh chakra, and the color is violet. For most this is

"the be all, end all".


I believe there is a next and maybe final step. It is here where people can

get off track again and I know, because I have experienced this for a while.

It is here where the client is free to express who they are to the world. They

reach a place of trust and knowing and their lives become an art form they

have finely crafted. It resonates in their body, in their mind as they move

freely in this knowledge. It is where you walk your talk, and paint or write,

design a house or build a boat. It is a place of freedom and is not age



It is here where I see the client bring the strength and power of the

base chakra - red -and blend it in with the crown chakra of violet, the spirit

that speaks deep from within their being. This color magenta is the magical,

mystical attractor of our aura. It is how people interact with the world.

It is where they express their uniqueness, and it is grounded back to their

being in their heart.


Then you ask why do we see so many in business, any business or

job with the poor me attitude? Well from my perspective this comes from

those who are working from the lower chakras, the red, orange and yellows

and are coming from fear, lack and competition.


No matter, if you are an entrepreneur or in the corporate world, there is

something you can do about it. It is time for you to revitalize, color and

reshape your world as you step aside for a moment, walk around and

reflect as I do with my clients on "where do you stand in the world of

business" and better yet "where do stand in the world".


Look back on these eight levels and examine where you stand today.

Where have you been in the past and where are you moving to in your

career, your life? Could you benefit from some examination and evaluation?

Take time, for these are growth steps. Give me a call so you can find your

place in this spectrum of color.

Previously published in InTouch Magazine New Zealand

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