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Activity Calendar


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We currently have two large group activities per day and three on T/TH, M-Sun. We have been thinking about breaking the large groups down into several smaller groups, except for our popular large group activities, such as exercise, sing-a-long, Bible Study, Coffe Club , and Church. Our typical day is as follows:


9:00 Set up for activity

Clean Bird Aviary & feed fish


9:30 Menus

10:00 Transport

10:30 Activity

11:00 Transport

11:15 Activity Lunch

11:45 Sort & Pass Mail

12:00 Serve AR 3 dining room


1:00 1-1 Health Care Center

1:30 transport

2:00 Activity, menus

2:30-3 Transport

3:00-4:30 Menus


MWF 3:30 Independent Exercise


Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated




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Hi Wanda, I read through your post twice and am trying to piece together from what you have to what you want.


Considerations are your census and your residents needs. Add that to what staff you have available - is it just you in Activites or do you have an assistant.


Then, try your new idea for a month as a test and see how it works for you - you can always go back to your old schedule afterwards if the timing doesn't work.


I hope this helps!

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I have really been thinking about all of the resident's whose needs are not being met. There are Health Care reisdents that cannot get out of bed that don't get much for activities. We are just trying to figure out a way to get more activities in throughout the day without wearing the staff out. We usually have 2 people to ask and transport about 100 or so people. We don't have to transport all of them, maybe a dozen or so in wheelchairs. But, some are on the 3rd floor, etc. Some have dementia and we have to walk with them to make sure they get to the right place. Transporting time is within a half hour. I have worn a pedometer and have walked anywhere from 7 to 11 miles per day. Plus I am overweight a bit. We just want to try to make things better for the residents.




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Hi Wanda, I am from a rural area in Central Washinton state. I have had good luck with small groups of residents. Try holding groups at the end of the hall, or one floor at a time. It might work better, because you go to them, instead of their having to all be taken to one place. Have specific activities for each group and try to give more specific attention. Example-"Meet Your Neighbor" serve crackers & cheese, "Remember When" using old pictures or stories, small group of residents playing a game=cards, bingo, etc.-every week same time, one resident might to act as host or hostess and have residents meet in their room or in a small room on the same floor. They could take turns weekly bringing a simple snack to share

and visit or play games, or watch a movie and have popcorn.

How about having a volunteer help gather residents for larger activities. or a family member , and ask them to be in charge of the activity?. Could be a group of men talking about the military service days, or fishing/hunting. ladies could get together and work on a quilt, or learn how to crochet or play a game. Food is always a good way to entice people. Have tasting parties, make a new type of snack, have fresh fruit or veggies with dips. Hope, this helps to make less walking for you and a new idea for the residents. Donna Oldfather ZillahSunshine @ aol.com

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How do you put these groups on your calendar? One of our worries is that everyone that comes to the big group activities will want to come to all of the scheduled activities and our goal is to get residents that do not come to the big group activities to come to the smaller group activities. Thanks for all the ideas!



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Guest Guest_Rhonda

Hi Wanda, I would just like to say that How do you do all that? I do have some small groups and I also have large groups. Most of the time the residents that go to all my large groups think that my small groups are stupid and dont understand why I need to give my lower function residents any of my time. I do all my activities in one room but I can separate the room with doors. They just sit around and complain That they dont get any of my time. I think that having smaller groups depends on your residents. Fitting all your groups on your calender will be hard. Maby since you have so many residents try to do 2 calenders. I only have about 70 and I run my but off everyday. Good luck,,, keeps smiling :lol:

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Well, we have several staff members.


1 35 hour (me)

1 25 hour (that doesn't pull her weight)

2 17 1/2 hour

1 40 hour (20 hour Social Services/20 hours Activities)


We have at least two large activities a day, 7 days a week, & 2 evening activities. And we really don't have enough staff for what we do! But then, from what I understand neither do any of the activity departments. The most difficult thing is dealing with staff that cannot do the job. This person has been on the staff for almost 8 years and doesn't get any better. I am not quite sure why she hasn't been terminated! Everything she does is inefficient! I just don't get it. At any other job I have worked, she would have been fired a long time ago!



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