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Relay Races ideas?


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Please give suggestions on relay races to do while sitting in chairs in a row.  An example would be that there are two rows of chairs designating two teams.  On the word "go," each team passes a ball overhead hand to hand to the person in the next chair until it reaches the last chair, then makes the return trip, and the first team to get the ball to return to the first chair wins.  This is an obvious one.  I need other ones.  They can have to do with balls, any other objects, or no object.  Thank you!

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We used to play Hot Potato game. Have the residents sit in a circle. Have 1 assistant be in charge of the music and the other other help the "Hot Potato"  get passed around. You can use anything for the "Hot potato".  have the pass the Potato to the right as the music starts and when the music stops who ever last touched the Potato is out. It becomes very competitive and the residents laugh and love the game. Bingo bucks were distributed to everyone who attended and to those that placed.:)

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