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Wacky Days for May


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The Wacky Days for May 1st -- National Day Of Prayer Announce over the PA System first thing in the morning that you will be asking everyone to stop what they are doing at (state a specific time) and say a prayer. Then at the stated time announce for everyone to please stop and for 1 min. say a prayer and pray together as one facility.


Plant A Flower Day Have some seeds or cheap small flowers and have residents join you outside to plant them in a garden. They will love the colors & you should get 1 or 2 resdients that will be sure to weed and water the flowers through out the week.


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May 2nd Wacky Day is National Truffles Day --- A truffle is the fruiting body of an underground mushroom; spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi. Almost all truffles are ectomycorrhizal and are therefore usually found in close association with trees. Check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truffle to learn more & maybe make a trivia games out of it for residents

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Wacky Day May 3rd UnMothers Day Just because they decided noo or for whatever reason(s) they didn't have any children is no reason why they have to miss out on the Mother's Day. Today have a celebration with them and if they wish to share why they don't have any children allow them to.

It would be fun to have women with children & those without compare the pros and cons of their choices and what effect it has made in their lives.

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Friday May 4th is Movie Day -- There are so many movies to choose from. Residents might enjoy a classic movie. Ask them what was/is one of their favorite movies. Disuss the classics verse the new movies out today. What do they prefer? Based on their answers rent a couple of DVD's for them to enjoy in the evening. Ask a nurse, nurse aide or a resident to plase start the DVD at a specific time. Speak to dietary about leaving some juice & light snack out for them to have during the movie.

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Now this is a Wacky Day that I could get in to on May 8th --Have A Coke Day -- I love my diet coke! There are so many varieties of coke out now. How about buying a few bottles of them & sharing them with your residents. Then have resdients see if they can tell coke from pepsi in a blind taste contest.

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Wacky Day for May 9th: Lost Sock Memorial Day have fun with this day. Have everyone bring their 1 sock that has no mate & resdient's can trade them with each other. Have a 1 sock parade. Make sock monkeys using the mixed match socks. Here is a link for Sock Monkey http://www.ehow.com/...y-patterns.html

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There are 2 Wacky Days that you should celebrate on May 10th: National Receptionist Day -- National Third Shift Workers Day -- One of the things that I have done in the past that was a hugh hit for the 3rd shift workers was team up with Dietary Manage & we fixed them breakfast as their shift was ending. It was a lot of work but the work hard and miss out on so many things because of the shift they work. Share some of the ways your facility has recognize the 3rd shift.

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May 18th Wacky Day(s) -- National Ride Your Bike To Work Day Just think if you could do this how much you would save in money & health. All while helping the enviroment.

Another Wacky Celebration for today is Visit Your Relatives Day. I hope that eveyone who has a relative in a Nursing Home, Ass't Living or Hospital will take just 1 hour today & go visit. You will never know how special this visit is to them!

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Hi everyone hope you had a great weekend. The Wacky Day for Tuesday May 22nd is National Pudding Day. Now this is a wacky day that everyone can do. The pudding can be from scratch or instant. You can make any type. Easy breezy :wub:

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Hello All -- The Wacky Day for May 23rd is National Taffy Day -- Your residents will probably remember making this wonderful candy. This is what Wikipedia has to say about taffy ------

Taffy is a type of chewy candy. Taffy is often sold alongside bubblegum and candy. Taffy is made by stretching or pulling a sticky mass of boiled sugar, butter or vegetable oil, flavorings, and coloring until fluffy. When this process is complete, the taffy is rolled, cut into small pastel-coloured pieces and wrapped in wax paper to keep it soft. It usually has a fruity flavor, but other flavors are common as well, including molasses and the classic unflavored taffy.

Salt water taffy was a noted invention of Atlantic City, New Jersey, and became a common souvenir of many coastal resort towns. Modern commercial taffy is made primarily from corn syrup, glycerin and butter. The pulling process, which makes the candy lighter and chewier, consists of stretching out the mixture, folding it over and stretching it out again. Although it is called "salt water" taffy, it does not include any salt water in its manufacture at all. In the nearby Philadelphia regional dialect, the term "taffy" without "salt water" before it often refers to a lollypop or sucker.

In the United Kingdom, taffy candies are called chews. They are shaped pieces of candy very similar to soft toffee but without the caramel flavouring, and can be found in the form of popular brands such as Chewits or Starburst and Laffy Taffy.

Caramel candies are sometimes referred to as taffy (taffy apples), but are very different from common salt water taffy.

****Look up some recipes & gather the residents for a good old fashion taffy pull.

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This Wacky Day will be fun for everyone. ,,, March 24th


It won't take to long to do... but just watch how it brings a smile to everyone in the room.


I would plan this off and on all day long, at random times.


The Wacky Day I am talking about is wait., wait for it--- .... National Dance Like A Chicken Day


-- Here are the steps and a link for the music:


Get ready for some party fun!

  1. Anyone who's not chicken, stand in a circle facing each other.
  2. When the music starts, hold your hands out in front of you and open and close them like a chicken beak four times.
  3. Put your thumbs in your armpits and flap your wings four times.
  4. Place your arms and hands like the tail feathers of a chicken and wiggle down to the floor four times.
  5. Clap four times.


Repeat steps 1-5 four times.

After the fourth time take the hands of the people on either side of you and everyone move in a circle.

When you get dizzy, switch directions.

Repeat until the end of the music or until you fall on the floor.



Here's the music:




Vidoe tape some of the dances and uplaod them here (activitydirector.net/forum) to share with everyone!

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The prefect Wacky Day for Friday May 25th-- I can't think of a better way to start the Memorial Day Weekend events.

National Wine Day

Wine has been an important part of human history and culture for thousands of years. Regardless of whether you prefer red, white, pinot, or cabernet, everyone can appreciate today’s celebration.

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Wacky Day for May 26th is National Blueberry Cheesecake. Here is a recipe you might want to make for your residents.


1/3 c. butter, melted

1 1/4 c. graham cracker crumbs

1/4 c. sugar

4 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk

4 eggs

1/3 c. unsifted flour

1 tbsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine butter, crumbs and sugar; press firmly on bottom of 9 inch spring-form pan. In large mixer bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs, flour and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 1 hour or until lightly browned. Cool. Chill thoroughly. Refrigerate leftovers.

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