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May Newsletter for Activity Directors Network


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Visit activitydirectornews.com to read the ADNetwork May News!

  1. check out the CE Workshops OnSale for May
  2. a new column provided by Martha Kessinger "Recharging Retirees"
  3. MEPAP Online Training Q & A

  • What exactly is the MEPAP and why do you need to know about it?
  • MEPAP stands for Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals. The MEPAP program is specifically designed to assist Activity Directors in meeting the federal requirements.
  • What are the federal requirements?

Cookie Dough Truffles ..get the recipe

May 2nd is Nat'l Truffles Day!


Baked Chocolate Custard with Butterscotch Whipped Cream

May is Nat'l Chocolate Custard Month !




Learn about the NEW MDS 3.0

and how it affects the

Activity Director and the

Department during a State Survey









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