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Do you have an Activity Program that Rocks! well NCCAP has this awards contest....


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The NCCAP National Certification Council for Activity Professionals Best Practices and NCCAP Awards!

Everyone welcome to submit their Fantastic Activities....Theme Events, Special programs that meet the needs and interests of your residents, Sensory Programs that are unique, 1-1 Activities that your residents respond to, other Departments that do activities, and/or Activities that are unique to your facility.


NCCAP is looking for individuals who have developed programs that meet the needs and interests of residents/participants in geriatric settings. Innovative programs that have been successful in your current settings that have been successful in the delivery of activities services can apply for a "Best Practices"


We are looking for International participation!


Everyone is encouraged to participate!


3 winners will be announced at the NCCAP Sympsoium! Deadline: Feb. 15, 2012 !




I have attached the entry forms to this posting..


Have Fun .. Pennie

Best PracticesNCCAP.doc

NCCAP Awards.doc

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