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Guest Guest_Cindy

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Guest Guest_Cindy

I have designed a cart canopy for my activity carts. They look great with a variety of toppers. I have the following toppers:


Ice cream Parlor

Lemonaid Stand

Activity Cart

Weekend Activities (I place games, visitor boxes etc..)

Tropical Hawaiian Cart


I use the same frame but have the above different cart canopies that I change out. I am going to start this as a business this Januaray.


My question is this... would you be interested in this type of product? Would you use this? What would you pay for this product?


Any advice would be helpful as I do not want to start something that would not truly be of help to activity professionals.



**for more information send me your contact information as I will be emailing / mailing out brochures this January 2005.

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Hi, Cindy! :-D


Hey! This sounds like a great little item to have. I've got a couple of questions for you. Will you provide both the cart frame and the canopies? Will the cart frame/canopies be adjustable to fit any cart? Finally, can you do it for close to $20.00 (certainly not over $50.00)?


Wishing you the very best in your venture,


Linda Lucas, AD ;-)

The Activity Director's Office


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Guest Guest_Cindy

Hi Linda. Thanks for the response.


The cart canopies have a frame and then a cover that slips over the frame. The covers can be purchased in the different styles.


The frames will be made to accomodate different sized carts that you already own at your facility.


As far as the initial set (frame and one cover) I am planning to sell these for $65 and for the different cover styles they will vary from $22 up. (the Hawaiian style has a thatched roof and cost more to produce...etc). Do you think that this price range is reasonable for this product?


Another question that I have is - Which cover style should be included with the frame? Shouldn't I sell them together as a package or should I only sell the frame and then you must purchase the cover separately? Or should I offer it both ways? :lol: Thanks.

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Hi, Cindy! :-)


I think the frame should come with at least one cover; probably the "Activity Cart" would be a good choice. Perhaps you could offer the other covers at so much each with a discount for multiples. Another thought is that you might offer covers of the month. You might even be able to sell subscriptions (i.e. kind of like the clothing for the concrete goose).


Anyway, the price you are thinking about is not unreasonable depending on the quality and durability of your product. You're on the right track. Keep up the good work.




Linda Lucas, AD ;-)



P.S.: If you have a photo or brochure so I can see a finished or prototype product you can send it to me at rdlucas@insightbb.com. When you are ready I will consider posting an ad and a link to you on my website, The Activity Director's Office at http://www.theactivitydirectorsoffice.com . Keep in touch!

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