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Exciting news for Houston area AD's


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Attention AD's in Houston, TX & surrounding areas


On October 1, 2009, TexanPlus HMO will host the first annual citywide TexanPlus Wii™ Bowling Championship at Reliant Center. TexanPlus invites all seniors and other people with Medicare to polish their bowling shoes, warm up their swinging arms and get ready to have some fun!


In addition to the bowling competition, the daylong tournament will feature a health fair, free health screenings, lectures from doctors, free flu shots for seniors and other people with Medicare, exercise demonstrations, a complimentary lunch and prize drawings.


We invite you put a team together to play in the tournament and bring seniors to the event for a day of health, fitness and fun! Participating community centers will have transportation provided by TexanPlus to and from the event .


We are hoping you will assist us in promoting the event at your facility and encourage participation.


Download this pdf flyer for more details See the attached file at the bottom of this post.




Maria Hale



5450 Northwest Central Drive


Suite 117


Houston, TX 77092


Phone: 713-744-8672


Fax: 713-744-8673


Email: mhale@universalamerican.com



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