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Young Resident Activities


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Hi my name is Hailey and i have been an activity director for almost a year, but now we have about 5 younger residents in our facility and i need some age appro. activities for them to do the range from 25-55 and i am just at lost for any ideas could someone help me out here.




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I am 54 myself and an activity director. My children are not far from 25. Just a little older. For me and I think for my children, social activities are so important. A thought that I had was to find volunteers who are close to the age of these younger residents. Find out what your residents interests are and try to taylor something specifically for them. A volunteer could help facilitate the activity and you would have more time to spend with the older residents. If possible, could these residents also assist you in activities with the older ones? Just a thought. Good luck.

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My kids are in their 20's as well. They enjoy computer's -- so if your facility has access to these they could do email, games etc. They also enjoy DVD movies. Especially the boxed sets. Music is a big thing & both enjoy reading.

Basically they enjoy what your res do but on a different level & maybe not always with the elder res I like the ideal of asking volunteers to come in as well as asking them to help you. But I figure if they are in the facility then it may not be possible that they could help. Lets us know what you find they enjoy.

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