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The Careplan Basics Lesson#1


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Ok Folks, lets do a short recap of what a CarePlan is supposed to be. Also, let's forget about the "I" careplan for a minute. remember, this is audience participation!!!


The Careplan was created to be a 1 stop tool for EVERY team member in the Nursing Home Care Spectrum to utilize and participate in....yes thats right, even Maintenance and Housekeeping.


It needs to be a "place" where I can look and get a full view of the Strengths/Needs and issues that every resident has, in regard to not only thier health, but every aspect of thier life.


SELF REFLECTION- Take a look at 5 random careplans at your "facility" does everyone have this format??? Let me know.



The care plan is to be set up as follows- Remember we forgot about the "I" format for the time being.These sound cynical for a reason : )


Problem - What does the resident have that impedes our job? I.E for activity Directors...why doesn't Ms. Johnson come to Bingo/Crafts/Etc.??? SO: Resident at risk for isolation due to>>>




Goal: What do we want the resident to accomplish? In this format it is what WE want. Not the resident. Yes folks, I'm sorry, it's' true.


Res. will participate in small group activity 3x per week as evidenced by________


Sound familiar?? I am guilty too!



Interventions- this is what the staff is going to do, to be successful in the goals.


Res will be transported to _______ each week by______


Provide Encouragement x 3 each week at end of act.





I know these are rough, but I do it for a reason.... How many of you have these? Have you seen them before????



Let me know..




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