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Trivingo Game

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I read this article from Shelly about a year ago & just ran across it recently, so Iwanted to share it with you. If anyone gets the directions could you post them? It would be easier than sending it out to 100 people.


This is a game board I received from another Activity professional. It looks like a large bingo card....the boxes are pockets....if you would like directions on how to make write me at spreston7@adelphia.net

This board is used in many different ways, but for January (soup Month) Activityconnection.com put out a print off of cambells soup pictures which we prinited out so we had two of each. Then a few of our higher congnitive residents cut them and pasted them to index cards. These cards will be placed in these boxes and the game will be played like the old concentration game. The residents call out a number and see which card is behind it, then the ask for the second box to be revealed. The next time the try to remember where the matches are..They love this game and at first you only put a few boxes out to get their memory going. We also use the same board to put in trivia questions and the group is split up into two teams to answer the questions. The team that answers their question gets a dot of their color. First team to bingo wins. The board and dots are made of felt so they stick together.

Resident love these games, they enjoy the fact that they can remember more then they thought.

Hope you can use.

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