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Activity Direcotr Newsletter And Downloads


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I have tried to use the download section, but I can't seem to download anything. Also, I have also put my name down for the newsletter. Am I registered incorrectly? Or is there somewhere else that I need to register?


Stacy :-?

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Hi Stacy, You should be able to download as a registered member. You should click on the Downloads choice on the menu, you should then click on the category that you wish to download from, you will then be given a page of the downloads available in that category, each should have a name, a description, a format (windows98, 95, XP Capatible) In the upper left hand corner of each listing will be a clickable link, text that highlights when you put your mouse over it, you should double click on this link and a download should start... if it is a excel spreadsheet it may open your Windows Excel program and display the file, in which case you would then click file and save to your hard drive.


Some spyware and virus programs stop download windows from popping up, you should disable popup control if this happens and then re enable it after the download is complete.



As far as the Newsletter registration, PM me with your first and last name or the email you registered under and I will look you up.


my PM is pennie


to use the PM messenger click on your user menu choice, Inbox , and then Compose a Private Message to user pennie.... ;-)

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