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Avatars! The Little Pic By Your Username


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First:: You must be a member - Register on the HomePage. Once your a member you will have a User Menu in the left hand column. Click on View Account, than click on Avatar Options. There you can choose an Avatar from one of the Galleries or you can upload your own from your computer.


To Upload: First create an Avatar on your computer from a photo, clip-art, whatever you like... The following file types are allowed: gif .jpeg .jpg .swf .png Save it to a directory/folder that is easy to remember. Your avatar must be no bigger than 64 pixels by 64 pixels in size. Click on Upload and Browse to the folder on your computer where the Avatar is saved, Select it and press OK. It will Upload and appear in your Avatar cell of your Account Screen


Any Questions "PM" me username: pennie ;-)

(PM private message is located at the top orf the Message Board)


FYI: You may alternately use your My Controls option located at the top of the message board to change your Avatar or any of your user information.

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