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This was posted on ElderCare.com

I wasn't aware of this policy and from reading this article a lot of others weren't either. To bad I live in Texas and not Cailfornia! I wonder if we have this law and I'm just not aware of it. :roll:


This article was posted March 2004 even though the law has been in effect since 2002.

SAN FRANCISCO - The first statewide paid family leave program in the nation was designed with people like Elizabeth Gomez in mind.


The 30-year-old Oakland resident is the primary caretaker for her 50-year-old mother, a Type I diabetic who doesn't speak English. Now that the law has gone into effect, Gomez will be able to take time off to take care of her mother and still get a pay check.


Under the paid leave program, signed into law in 2002 by former Gov. Gray Davis, an estimated 13 million workers are eligible for up to six weeks of partially paid leave to bond with a new child- including foster or adopted -or take care of a seriously ill family member.


But only 22 percent of adults surveyed are aware of the law and its benefits, according to a study released Tuesday by the California Family Leave Research Project, based at the University of California, Los Angeles.


Read more details about Family Leave

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In my state it is unpaid - sometimes people can use vacation pay or sick day pay. They do not have to give you back the same job either here. But California is just getting ready for the day when they are a separate island nation and can have their own laws lol.

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