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Who Are You #2

Guest Tinki

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Guest Tinki

User Name -


What type of facility do you work for -


How long have you been in Activities -


Where are you from -


What is your sign -


What job did you do before activities -


What famous people do people say you look like -


If you where an animal, what would you be -


Hobbies -


AD Strength -


AD Weakness -


Favorite Type of Activity -


Least Favorite Type of Activity -


Favorite AD Book -


Favorite AD Website -


Do you have a website -


Certified or Not Certified -


Email or snail mail -


Is your office small, medium or large -


Storage room or no storage room -


How many rooms can you do activities -

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Guest Tinki

User Name - Tinki


What type of facility do you work for - none, currently


How long have you been in Activities - 7 years seniors, 6 with kids


Where are you from - Houston, Texas


What is your sign - Picses


What job did you do before activities - None


What famous people do people say you look like - Drew Berrymore, Helen Hunt, "Blossom" and Carne Wilson


What animal would you be - dog


Hobbies -computers, music, kids


AD Strength - Activity Planning


AD Weakness - Time Management,


Favorite Type of Activity - Games


Least Favorite Type of Activity - Outings - they stress me out


Favorite AD Book - I can't remember the title I will have to get back to you


Favorite AD Website - www.activitydirector.net


Do you have a website - yes -


Certified or Not Certified - TR Certified


Email or snail mail - email


Is your office small, medium or large - small


Storage room or no storage room - no storage


How many rooms can you do activities - 2

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User Name - quilterbcathy


What type of facility do you work for - skilled nursing


How long have you been in Activities - 1 1/2 years


Where are you from - California


What is your sign - Real Women Eat Chocolate


What job did you do before activities - volunteer coordinator at a Quilt Museum


What famous people do people say you look like - hmm. They threw away the mold when they made me.


If you where an animal, what would you be - A shaggy dog


Hobbies - Quilting, playing the sax


AD Strength - my smile, love for residents


AD Weakness - Getting them into the activity


Favorite Type of Activity - Anything musical, reminisce times


Least Favorite Type of Activity - bingo


Favorite AD Book - Haven't decided


Favorite AD Website - this one is pretty cool


Do you have a website - not a personal one but our facility does


Certified or Not Certified - not yet


Email or snail mail - email


Is your office small, medium or large - I would guess medium


Storage room or no storage room - a few storage closets


And - we have a dining room in which we do activities. When the weather is nice we can go outdoors

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User Name -BartMan


What type of facility do you work for -Rehabilitation Center/Skilled Nursing


How long have you been in Activities -12 years


Where are you from -Dothan,AlaBama !


What is your sign - Sagittarius


What job did you do before activities - Construction Worker


What famous people do people say you look like - Mark McGuire (Baseball Player)


If you where an animal, what would you be - Snow Leopard


Hobbies -Tournament Bass Fishing , Shooting Pool , Taking Daughter (Crystal) Fishing , Camping with friends


AD Strength - CrEaTiViTy


AD Weakness - paperwork :(


Favorite Type of Activity - OUTINGS !! :)


Least Favorite Type of Activity - none really (unless I have to write somethin')


Favorite AD Book - Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm , not sure ?


Favorite AD Website - Gina Salazar's Web Site (I use it all the time)


Do you have a website - nope


Certified or Not Certified - Certified


Email or snail mail - Email


Is your office small, medium or large - Large


Storage room or no storage room - Storage room


How many rooms can you do activities -2

user name - BartMan

What type- Rehabilitation Center/Skilled Nursing

How Long- 12 Years

Where am I from - Dothan, AlaBama !

My Sign - Sagittarius

What did I do before - Construction Worker

Who do people say I look loke - Mark Mcguire (Baseball Player)

What animal would I be - A Snow Leopard

Hobbies- Tournament Bass Fishing , shooting pool , camping with friends , spending time with my 6 year old Daughter (Crystal)

AD Strength - CrEaTiViTy

AD Weakness - paperwork :(

Favorite Type of activity - OUTINGS ! :)

Least favorite - none really unless I have to write somethin'

Favorite AD Book - Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , note sure ?

Do I have a web site - nope


Email or snail mail - Email

Office is Large

Storage room

We do activities in two different rooms.

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Guest Guest

User Name - Luvie


What type of facility do you work for - LTC


How long have you been in Activities - 3 1/2


Where are you from - Ohio


What is your sign - Cap


What job did you do before activities - STNA


What famous people do people say you look like - No one


If you where an animal, what would you be - Dog


Hobbies - Drawing


AD Strength - I connect well with the residents


AD Weakness - Staying on top of my paper work


Favorite Type of Activity - Outings


Least Favorite Type of Activity - BINGO


Favorite AD Book - Any that help me out


Favorite AD Website - Any


Do you have a website - No


Certified or Not Certified - Not


Email or snail mail - five_stich@yahoo.com


Is your office small, medium or large - My office is in the Activities room, so i have a cubbie


Storage room or no storage room - we have a shed outside


How many rooms can you do activities - 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

User Name - Vikki


What type of facility do you work for - Assisted Living


How long have you been in Activities - 10 years, 3 years specializing in Seniors


Where are you from - Virginia


What is your sign - Aquarius


What job did you do before activities - Event Coordinator, Community Relations Coordinator for a bookstore.


What famous people do people say you look like - not sure


If you where an animal, what would you be - a ferret


Hobbies - Martial Arts, Fishing, Guitar, Violin, Reading


AD Strength - Building relationships


AD Weakness - Saying "No"


Favorite Type of Activity - Group Sing Alongs


Least Favorite Type of Activity - The ones that I think will be really cool, but nobody wants to participate.


Favorite AD Book - I have one about building and maintaining a volunteer base that's great. Can't think of the title right now.


Favorite AD Website - Google, I can find pretty much whatever I need.


Do you have a website - no, the main company does, though.


Certified or Not Certified - Certified in PACE, but not activities


Email or snail mail - both


Is your office small, medium or large - Medium


Storage room or no storage room - 2 Storage Rooms


How many rooms can you do activities - We don't have any activity rooms, we do activities in the common areas of each cottage (we have three cottages).

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User Name -


What type of facility do you work for -Skilled nursing facility


How long have you been in Activities - 2 1/2 years


Where are you from - Okeechobee, Florida


What is your sign - Aeries


What job did you do before activities - Teacher


What famous people do people say you look like - No One


If you where an animal, what would you be - a monkey


Hobbies -Reading, scrapbooking, playing with my eight nieces and nephews


AD Strength - Organizational Skills


AD Weakness - Confronting Staff members when there is a problem ( I hate this)


Favorite Type of Activity - Crafts


Least Favorite Type of Activity - Movies


Favorite AD Book - I like them all!


Favorite AD Website - this one


Do you have a website - no


Certified or Not Certified - Currently working on my certification


Email or snail mail - email


Is your office small, medium or large - medium, but I share it with three other department heads


Storage room or no storage room - three storage rooms


How many rooms can you do activities - 4 rooms but all are common rooms that are used for other things

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Guest Guest_sara

Hello all. I work in Iowa at an assisted living facility. Not really computer saavy, so I'm truing to get the hang of everything.

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Hello Sara in Iowa !! Welcome to the site , it's really cooooooooooooooool !! Have fun !! Ya thinkin' 'bout becoming a member ? There are a lot of AD's who visit here and share all kinds of neat ideas ! I have been able to incorporate a lot of new ideas from this site into my programs , Anyway welcome aboard !! BartMan

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Guest Guest

User Name - Callie


What type of facility do you work for - AL


How long have you been in Activities - 3 years


Where are you from - Bankston, Alabama


What is your sign - Leo


What job did you do before activities - Cosmetologist


What famous people do people say you look like - Young Liz Taylor (I don't see it)


If you where an animal, what would you be - Siberian Tiger


Hobbies - Reading, playing cards, watching horror movies, going to church


AD Strength - Stretching dollars, finding money wherever I can.


AD Weakness - Paperwork (not AD related, just everything else!)


Favorite Type of Activity - Reminiscing, card Games, water balloon toss


Least Favorite Type of Activity - Bingo


Favorite AD Book - The Time of My Life, Spiritual Therapy for the Elderly, The Care Planning Cookbook


Favorite AD Website - This one and Senior Act


Do you have a website - no


Certified or Not Certified - not


Email or snail mail - email


Is your office small, medium or large - medium


Storage room or no storage room - storage closets


How many rooms can you do activities - 2

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