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Strawberry Shortakes Day


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Having a strawberry theme week in May. We will kick it off with a strawberry shortcake social.....strawberries, individual sponge cakes, a spray can whipped cream! It is as much fun to make these as they are to eat ( almost) and each person will make their own. We provide each with a styro cup of cut berries, a cake, a bowl to create in, and then pass the cans down the table! Green pint baskets of strawberries are great as centerpeices! We'll have hidden cut out strawberries through out the facility, and the finder of the most of them gets a pound of chocolate covered strawberries( dietary is making em for us!)

Strawberry sundaes are for another day, and we will be making our own strawberry sauce to top vanilla ice cream. This is a really simple sugar and strawberries in the blender thing, washing the berries will be the most effort, and we are using gloves!

Red bean bags with green silk leaves sewn on top make our strawberry bean bag game for this day, and we are tossing them into green mesh organizing baskets( they resemble the tiny pint baskets!) Winners get strawberry lip gloss or some strawberry wrapped hard candies.

We plan to plant some everbearing strawberry plants, here is a link with info: http://www.wiberries.org/kids/activities.pdf

A simple strawberry puzzler game for a social: Cut out strawberry shapes and write strawberry trivia on them. ( laminate if you have a laminator) Cut in half by curve or zig zag, each person must find the other half of their berry to complete their question...or you could have the question on one half, and the answer on the other.

Another strawberry game: Roll a die, one for the berry, two for the stem, three for the leaves, 4 for the seeds, 5 for your choice, 6 you miss a turn. All you need are a blackboard and chalk or write on wipe off and a marker and one die. Each person can work on a berry or they can do it as two teams. Hope these ideas have inspired you to try a good old fashioned strawberry social! Bunny

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