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State Survey


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Guest cindymaybe

We haven't had ours yet but everyone else in our area has and they all got sited in activities. Needless to say I'm a little scared. :-o

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We had ours in February. It went fine for activities. They didn't really bother activities. They did ask for my 1:1 sheets on a few people. But no citations.


What were the activity departments cited on?



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Guest cindymaybe

anything and everything! 1:1, volunteer feeding, documentation, evening and wekend activities, sensory stim., it's just crazy here in the UP. :-?

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We had our survey in March and did very well, no cites in activities they just looked at my resident council records and calendars that was it. I am grateful.

We had a good survey team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:-D Hi State just finished our survey. We got out without a scratch.

I did a tour with the surveyors when they first arrived and noted that if patients

were in activities they bothered with them less. Encourage your staff to help with attendance. In my facility it is a given that the aides must help take patients to activities. That is a plus for nursing as well as activities.

I am sure to tell the DON of the patients that don't show and are care planned attend. That helps the aides to know we men buisiness. :lol:

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Guest Guest_Jane

I just finished my state survey and I had no citations. They were very impress

with what I had going on. They told me my documentation and care plans were perfect and to keep up the good work. I am never nervous for the survey. I believe they are doing their job and they are there to help us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had ours a few months ago, the surveyors didn't bother us. I knew 2 of them already so they gave me the two I didn't know. They were surprised by 2 things that I did: 1) I called each resident by name and 2) While I was talking to one of them a resident came by and I (mistakenly) stopped talking to address the resident.


When I apologized the surveyor said that she was impressed. Otherwise that was it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

it is nice that everyone shares there survey results,but if you also share what state you are in because all states are different. thanks

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Guest Crysty

:-o I live in TN, we are going thru survey right now. They haven't asked me for the usual paperwork i.e. res. council, calendars etc. They did however have the resident meeting. I have got some questions about how I program for the lower functioning residents. Wish me Luck! :-D

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