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ACrumley last won the day on June 22 2018

ACrumley had the most liked content!

About ACrumley

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, we're working on Mother's day as well and gearing up for Nursing home week. What type of activities are you choosing for nursing home week? We're preparing a food such as grilled cheese, pancakes, and other food items each day with games, word search, raffle tickets.
  2. Yes, I'm finishing up, as well. Is there a special event that you're working on? Our group is discussing Mother's day and Memorial day.
  3. Hello. Yes it is very difficult to try and do everything and work. We are also getting ready for an audit so I have been working a ton of hours. Our big project we are working on is a Fall prevention week that we will start in June. Our situation is unique compared to most facilities. We have three Residents in house and it requires for some assignments to demonstrate knowledge through creativity.
  4. Hi, I am also looking for a fellow student to share a special event. We recently planned a Kentucky Derby party and prepared Non-Alcoholic Mint Juleps. Most of our ladies were particular about their hair and preferred to not wear hats. We had to improvise the activity of decorating a hat to "Pick Your Horse. Overall, it was a great time!
  5. Hi. My name is April Crumley and I'm completing the final practicum within the MEPAP 1 Own Pace course. I would like to chat with a fellow student and share a special event that I'm planning.
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