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lorig7 last won the day on December 4 2014

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About lorig7

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  1. Hi Gina, thank you for asking. I am really good at coming up with multi stepped crafts for my higher functioning folks but I have a hard time coming up with simpler but rewarding crafts for the more impaired dementia and Alzheimer residents. I would buy a book with that sort of crafts in it. Dignified but simpler crafting steps. Thank you and good luck, Lori
  2. Hi everyone, I just posted my own intro but wanted to say hello and wish everyone good luck. Some of us might be in the same class and it is getting exciting to reach the finish of MEPAP1. I am just trying to keep on top of everything that is due so I finish on time. I am sure all my classmates are doing the same. All the best, L
  3. Hi my name is Lori. I am finishing up the last few weeks of MEPAP1 started in Aug. It is hectic but exciting and it will be nice too to have my evenings free, at least for a little while. I am at least taking the holidays off. Hope everyone else in my class is feeling as optimistic. L
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