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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello there, my name is Ashley Walden and I am the Life Enrichment Coordinator for the health care unit of a retirement facility in a suburb outside of of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I just started the job in October of last year, so I have been in the position for about seven months. Prior to that, I had four years of experience as an Activity Assistant on a health care unit, a secure dementia unit, and in personal care. I covered three maternity leaves in that time! I am starting to get my feet on the ground in this new position, making the calendar my own and getting to know my residents well. I am also taking the MEPAP1 course on the path to getting my ADC. Looking forward to learning from you here!
    1 point
  2. Hi yall! Ashley here. I am from Beaumont, Texas and I have been an Activities Assistant as well as a Volunteer for the local Nursing Facility of Winnie, Texas. I would love to learn from you all and see what your calendars look like and how you conduct your resident council meetings as well as staff meetings. How you develop master plans to make special events go smoothly. How you established your contacts... ashxeve9256@yahoo.com
    1 point
  3. Hi Ashley, I would love to hear about some of your favorite activities your facility provides! Would you be willing to share a few? I am enrolled in MEPAP1 as well, and am almost finished. I work in a 145 bed SNF in Shoreline, WA near Seattle. A few of my favorites are: Men's Breakfast- 1x/month-Men only and we have a cook come to do made to order eggs and omelets, etc. Arm Chair Travel-2x/month-Sensory incorporated activity. We have bags for different places. For example, France, we have a picture travel book, French language cards, a beret, and we will bake croissants for the residents and talk about what France is known for and it's history. Wackey Ball-1x/month- active sport activity. We use pool noodles that are cut in half and a large balloon and they hit it back and forth to each other. They LOVE this!
    1 point
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