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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Do you often wonder what kind of activities your loved one will be offered when they are living in the facility? Whether your loved one is here short or long term, our activity department has many different activities to offer. One of our popular activities is our resident auction. We collect many types of items for our residents. Clothes, personal hygiene items, hats, blankets, games, purses, collectables, jewelry, perfume, cosmetics and much more. As it can become costly to purchase all of these things, we accept donations from families, generous residents who love to help and donate and volunteers. If it wasn’t for them, this would not be possible. This activity lets the residents shop even when they are not able to leave the facility, purchase items as gifts for others or themselves even when they don’t have money, offers socialization, and a sense of competitiveness. For some of the other residents we have, it lets them reminisce about the great deal of time they spent at auctions or even lets a few get back in the swing of things of a previous occupation as an auctioneer. The auction is laid back and goes at a nice pace. Everyone is able to follow along, hear and there is no confusion. We accommodate the residents and answer any questions along the way. Since this activity relies on the help of others, we offer this activity every other month. In doing this, it helps us and gives us time to collect donations and wanted items that the residents are seeking. We invite all of the residents to join and for those that do attend, each of them get $300 in fake money. We let the residents look over all of the items that are up for auction and answer any questions that they may have. Once the residents are seated and done looking over the items we start the auction. All of the bidding goes in increments of $20, so the items start at $20. The person that bids the highest wins the item. If more than one resident will bid all of their money at the same time on one item, we take the person who said it first. If residents are not interested in an item and there is no bidding on it, we will put it to the end of the auction and come back to it. This is an activity where someone usually leaves with something and usually the residents are kind enough and will even trade someone if they have something that they want. If some of the items still did not sell at auction, we will save the item and use it for next time or even use it as a prize for another game. Everyone already has an idea how auctions work so it is very easy and self explanatory and they love it!
    1 point
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