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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi Linda and Ryan, My name is Nancy and I'm also new! I'm working on my MEPAP1 coursework and trying to get through my practicum! Nice to "meet" both of you - hope to email you both in the future and maybe learn a lot of new activities to share with my residents. I tend to get into a rut. While reading through some of the other forums, there's been a lot of mention of activities carts - we've had one at the facility in which I work but nothing too exciting - any suggestions on what to have on the cart and how to decorate it? Do you do a different cart for a different theme? Maybe I'm over-thinking this! Thanks for any suggestions!
    1 point
  2. Hi, Linda, I am Ryan. I just created an account here as well. Glad to meet you!
    1 point
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