Hi...I am a brand new member but I am not an activity director although I would have been good at it because I just plain like "older" people.
Here's my situation...
I am a senior cititzen entertaining seniors here in Portland, Oregon. I am on a terrific website just for Activity Directors called "Elderaudience". I am listed under comedy, storytelling and variety show with my picture.
We have hundreds of retirement and assisted living facilities here in Portland. How do I get started contacting AD's to do my show. At the present time my show is free but I do ask for donations, a ham and cheese sandwich and ice tea.
My show runs around 40 minutes. It is audience dictated. I have a table of props...enough for 20 people. I ask for ten people to come up and pick any prop they are interested in. When everyone is done I tell a story, do a skit or a game with the audience with that particular prop.
If the AD can pay $10.00, I will use that money to go to the Dollar Store and pick out ten (or twenty for $20.00) brand new little gifts for winners of games/door prizes.
So ADs how to I get my show out there? Should I send an unsolicited email, a regular letter or a call?
Thanks for any help,